

Hey all,

Since yesterday morning at 12:01 AM, not much has changed in my life. I still have a bald spot on my shin, and I'm still catching up on sleep. I did play racquet ball last night with Lissa and Meghan, which was fun...and I went for a Muffy killer today...anyway, let me share with you some observations:

For one, I recently discovered how the custodial staff cleans our communal bathroom here at Smith Hall. This may seem insignificant, but after being either interrupted during my morning routine, or just straight up barred from it, I have started to notice a few things about how this cleaning is done. For one, they don't actually scrub anything. They simply mix up a bucket of bleach water, dump it all over everything, literally everything, minus the ceiling, and then open the windows to let it dry. Sometimes, depending on who is cleaning that day, they'll squeegee out the shower stalls and the floor, but half the time it's just wet when you walk in. Honestly, if I had to clean a bathroom that 13-20 male college students use on a day to day basis, I would probably do something quite similar...the catch here is that this task seems to require two people to complete. What this really means is one of the custodial women will being sort of cleaning whilst shouting in Spanish to her cleaning partner, who is conveniently located out in the hall, sitting on the floor, texting. Said partner will not move when you have to go down the hall to go to class either. On top of that, there is a large custodial cart sitting there as well, with a million broom/mop handles sticking out of it at every angle possible, so you have to step over the lazy custodian as you weave past the cart with your overbearing backpack on, which always gets snagged on something sticking out of the cart of course. This is a daily routine for the most part, and it always seems to happen when I want to take a shower or brush my teeth...no matter what time of the morning.

Oh, also, these custodians like to come and do the monthly vacuum at about 6:30 AM, usually on a Wednesday. Normally I can sleep through something like a vacuum, but when they slam it into your door fifty or so times, it gets quite irritating. One time I thought it was someone knocking, so I got out of bed in my underwear and opened the door to find a surprised cleaning lady. She then ran the vacuum into my toe. It sucked.

I know it seems I put a lot of effort into this rant, and on the flip-side, I am lucky to not have to clean my own bathroom, or vacuum my hall, but if my school is going to insist upon offering the cleaning service, and pay for it with my tuition, I would like to see that people aren't just sitting around in the hall texting. It irritates me. It seems callous of me, but come on! Do your job instead of stealing my money!

Just another observation: I just got done with laundry, and I never really thought about how much black clothing I wore until I emptied the lint screen. Normal people's clothes leave behind nice normal, sort of gray, innocent looking lint, whereas mine leaves behind lint as black as night. Sheesh.

Okay, what else...Oh, I have other news! I have determined my living arrangements for next year! I'm going to be living with my aforementioned friends, Lissa and Meghan. I'm pretty excited about it too. I know some of you will think that it's gonna be weird for me living with two girls, but I think it'll be awesome!

Well, anyway...I think that's about it for tonight.

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This is my entertainment for you all...
This is the only version of the song that should ever be played in my opinion.

Have a jolly,


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