
Okay for real this time...

Hey all,

This is my second posting for Thursday. This week has been busy, and I'm ready for the weekend. That's really all I'm going to say about it.

Today I was walking across campus on my way to lunch and I glanced up at the guy walking in front of me. As we walked, I watched a dryer sheet slowly inch it's way out of his sleeve. Then it just sort of fluttered to the ground without him ever noticing. It was sort of silly.

Anyway, I forgot to mention a couple of posts back, but I have a little story for you guys.

So, Sydney and I were on our way to Lyons for the aforementioned pinballing, and we needed some gas. When we pulled up, the gas station parking lot was a big giant charlie fox. For those of you who don't know that means, it's another, safer family term for "cluster f***." Anyway, after we found our way to a pump and Sydney was filling up her car, I watched this woman who had parked the wrong way and had to drag the hose over the roof of her car and then put the handle in at a wrong angle to fill up her tank. That in itself was amusing enough, but then I noticed that she was talking on her cell phone. Now, it's been more or less disproven that cellphones actually cause fire in automobiles while pumping gas, except in very strange circumstances, but I still don't do it, and most gas stations recommend that you don't either. I kept watching, and as she pulled away from the pump, still on her phone, Sydney noticed that her gas cap was just hanging there and the hatch was open. This made me laugh a little too. But on top of all of that, she ended up driving into the automated car wash. That was the biggest laugh. I can only imagine what she did when she got home. Or when her check engine light came on. Or when her car stopped running...

Oh, by the way, I shaved. I have a goatee now. Just so you know. (see previous post)

What else...

Overall, things are good. School is challenging, but it's very rewarding, and I'm still enjoying it.

Lastly, I think I'd like to mention my new friend Janelle. She's in my Spanish class, and she's nothing short of awesome. She's helped me out with a bunch of stuff...and she's just really easy to talk to. So here's to you Janelle! You rock!

Well, that's about it for now. Tonight I'm leaving you with a song, rather than a video. I've been listening to it a lot lately...It's a great song. I first came across it while watching Fight Club. It's a perfect credit song. I just love it. So just listen to it.

Okay then.

You all have a wonderful night.

We'll talk again tomorrow.


Where Is My Mind? - Pixies

Oh, also, go use the stupid poll that I set up to determine my reader demographic. Do it now.
It's right over there ------------->

Oh...and on another note, none of you seem to be able to figure out how to commment on this page itself. Just click on the link down there that has the word comment or comments in it. You can figure it out I'm sure.

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