
Personal update.

Hey all,

Well, it's been a while since we talked about anything but news, so this post is just going to be about me. :)

So, firstly, I want to tell you that the newest beta version of Safari is a wonderful thing. I have a PC, but I still use it as my dominant browser. My friend Pat turned me onto it the other day, and I absolutely love it. It has pretty much all the same features as the latest beta version of Internet Explorer, but it's just way cooler. If you'd like to check it out, click here.

I also found this really wonderful candy at Walmart the other day. It's called Reese's Whoppers! They are pretty yummy.

Also, I just want to tell all of you that have concerns for my newly gained college weight, I have lost some of it. Muffy, as I've been calling the separate entity that is my gut, has shrank lately and that's a good thing. I've been trying to eat smarter and run when I can, and it's slowly but surely paying off. :)

What else...

Oh yes, school. School is going very well. Last week I had two giant midterms, one of which I've gotten back, and got a B on, and the other is still in the air. We'll see. Let me tell all of my readers who are still in high school: COLLEGE IS HARD!!! I just thought you should know. And while I'm on that line...here are some other things you might find valuable:

1. Never pass up a free t-shirt. Even if it's too big. You can always use it as a rag later if you don't like it.

2. Never pass up coupons for free food. You will use them. I promise.

2.5 Get a junk e-mail account and sign up with all the restaurants in your area so they give you free stuff on your birthday.

3. Getting help from a friend or a tutor is never bad. Don't let pride get in the way of getting good grades. I learned that the hard way.

4. Getting a little crazy now and then is a good thing, just don't let partying dominate your life.

5. Make friends with your RA. They have lots of resources and knowledge that they can share with you.

6. DO NOT CHEAT. It gets you no where, and while it may work, it always comes back to bite you in the ass.

7. Stay in touch with your parents. They love you and want the best for you. It's easy to forget about them, but keep them updated. (That's half the reason I run a blog :D )

8. Gaining weight is a traumatizing experience. I would know. Just don't let it get you down if you become victim of the freshman 15. Late night studying is always made better with a pizza or something, but consider the alternatives too...Oh and exercise never hurts. :)

9. Having fun is important, and there will be many fun things to do, on and off campus, but school always needs to come first. Procrastination will kill you every time, and so will rushing through work just so you can do something else. This is the rest of your life you're forming here...take the extra 10 minutes and make that paper worth it.

10. Money management is very important. Whether you have a job, live off student loans, or get an allowance from your parents, be careful what you do with your money. It's not something, especially in our economy, to take for granted. I work when I go home, and supplement my spending with the student loan refunds I receive, but I also have started paying back my student loans.

All in all, there just needs to be balance in everything. Financials, school work, parties...they all are part of college and you need to regulate them.

Okay, enough of that.

This week has been very good. I've had some down time to catch up on homework and study for my next midterm, which is this coming Wednesday. After that, it's Spring Break!!! I'm going back home to work at good ol City Market and make a couple bucks.

Really, that's life for right now.

I might do a news recap later, but we'll see. Do you guys even like that?

Let me know.



  1. Hey! I loved the 10 pieces of advice. I do like the news because you talk about things that I wouldn't hear otherwise, but I like hearing about you too!

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head with the college advice....but I would like to add that you should always follow the syllabus/rubric the teachers give you for lab reports and papers. They specifically tell you how they want it formatted, and you can lose points for stupid things if you don't follow the rubric.

    P.S. You are rad. Hopefully I'll see you soon. :)

  3. Ditto to Sheridan's comment!


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