
You can FedEx almost anything these days...

Hey all,

Well, I'm moved in.
I'll post pictures of the house and whatnot later.

I officially started classes once more as of August 24th. Things are going well in that area, other than evil Spanish. Thankfully, it's my last semester of it, and I'll never ever have to do it ever agian.

As for my other classes, right now I'm taking Literary Analysis, a poetry workshop, and Geology. Funny story...my geology professor, randomly in the middle of class when he heard a cough, freaked out and informed all of us that there were four kids in our class that had confirmed swine flu, thusly exposing all of us to it. Then he told us to lick the person next to us all over so as to become resistant beings. He's a trife odd.

News time.

A zoo in Brookfield, Illinois recently decided it needed to move it's bottlenose dolphins to a new zoo for the Fall and Winter seasons. The zoo picked for relocation was Minnesota Zoo, in Apple Valley, a suburb of Minneapolis. Now, how might one move a dolphin from the Chicago area all the way to Minneapolis? FedEx! Zoo keepers actually boxed up the dolphins in specially built metal framed boxes, and sent the off on a big ol' jet plane. I was amazed. More here.

While I'm talking about smart mammals, I have a story on pigs. It's just to good to recap, so here's the entire article.

Pigs halt Coventry woods gay sex trysts
Sep 1 2009

"RAMPAGING pigs have put a stop to gay sex trysts in a picturesque wood on the outskirts of Coventry.

Farmer Richard Fonge became so exasperated by the sordid shenanigans in the shady dells of Roughknowles Wood, off Crackley Lane, near Kenilworth, that he agreed to unleash a couple of dozen Tamworth porkers.

In addition he’s felled a row of about 30 beech trees, erected steel fences, barbed wire, and a number of ‘Private Keep Out’ signs.

The 64-year-old, who lives at Hurst Farm, just north of the wood, said he was “mightily relieved” that the trespassers had now been flushed out after a long-standing battle.

The area, which boasts some of the most exclusive homes in the area, first became a venue for sleazy assignations 15 years ago.

He now believes that those responsible have migrated to nearby Crackley Wood, which is owned by Warwickshire County Council.

The Telegraph revealed in 2005 how Mr Fonge had made repeated efforts to stop people entering the farmland.

The dad-of-two had become so outraged, after finding a makeshift bed and used condoms, that he placed tree trunks where Cryfield Grange Road meets Crackley Lane, to try to deter men from parking up.

The woods form part of the farm’s 280 acres.

Mr Fonge said yesterday: “We’re mightily relieved that it’s off our doorstep.

“We got permission from the Forestry Commission and the county council to chop the trees down, and it seems to have done the trick.

"It was the son of the landowner who had the idea to put pigs there.

"I’m not homophobic, I just don’t like trespassers.

“The police didn’t want to know.""

All I can say is wow. Just wow.

To see this article in it's original context, click here.

And lastly, the Los Angeles area is on fire as many of you know. I just want everyone to think about how lucky we are. (Unless you're an LA resident.) Here are some tragically beautiful pictures of whats going on.

Next time you see a firefighter, or hear about them on the news, think about what it is they do for a living exactly. I think it's sad how much crap they have to put up with, and all they get in return is some mild gratitude and a meager paycheck. All off these men are heroes, nothing less.

For more, click here.

Anyway, that's about it for now.


This is just time-lapse, but it says a lot.

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