
Coming back.

Hey all,

As my beloved readers, you've all been deprived of my wonderful postings for nearly 6 months now. My break from blogging was good, but now I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.

Here's my life:

1. I still work at King Soopers. I stack fruit all day. Customers are dumb and rude. End of that story.
2. I have a beautiful, wonderful girlfriend. Her name is Caitlin Murphy, and we will have been together for 6 months at the end of this month.
3. School is kicking my butt. Between the 700 pages of reading every week, and 30-40 hours of work, I have put sleep on the shelf for a rainy day.
4. I am going to run a marathon in September, so expect frequent updates on my training.

As you can see, I've changed the overall appearance of the blog, but the formatting will stay roughly the same...news, personal twaddle, and probably some ranting and raving. This time around though, I am also going to be mixing in some current events for the Boulder community and the surrounding area.

Today's post is going to be rather quick, for which I'm sorry, but this time around I think you can count on me for more. :)

I look forward to having you all back in my life.



  1. Yay! You're back. I've missed you! Julie

  2. You have motivated me to start a blog, too!
    A little more focused on youth issues as it seems that is where I am spending most of my volunteer time and of course with my two "yoots"....Zack and Blake. Great to have you back on blog track and so glad to hear you and muffy are crazy enough to run a marathon. I would be just happy if I could walk a 1/2 Marathon! We miss you but glad you are doing well. Hugs from me <3


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