
He'll save children, but not the British children...

Hey all,

Well, this is the first blog of the week.
What a week it's been so far...wow.

I think I need to stop opening everything I informally write with the word "well" but that's just a thought.

So here's my week so far:

Sunday: I slept in late after a night of holding a friends hair while she puked in the toilet. After my initial awakening, I saw my friends Chance and Ginny off (they had stayed the night here after our concert adventures, which I should probably tell you about too), then I went to late breakfast at IHOP with Sydney and my best friend Forrest. I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank his wonderful girlfriend for sharing him for the weekend, and also for the use of her GPS...so thank you Aliya! Alright...so...Bowling For Soup just came on and it's throwing me off...new paragraph then.

Okay. After Forrest headed out, I took my car to the car-wash and then went to a movie with Sydney. We saw My Bloody Valentine 3D and it was terrible. Well, other than when this guy got hit in the back of the skull with a pick-axe and the end came out his eye socket with his eyeball attached to it. You may think that's gross, but in 3D, it looked really cool.

Monday I had no class, so I slept in again, which was quite blissful, had lunch with Lissa, and lazed around for a bit. Then Chris and I went for a hike. We picked one out of this awesome book that my uncle Aaron got me for Christmas that's full of hikes in the Boulder area. We chose to visit Mallory Cave, which is at the top of the Flatirons and is full of bat poop. It was pretty cool. To see pictures, visit:

This Dandy Link

That pretty much capped off the day...till Sydney came over. She had had a root canal earlier in the day, so I got her some sushi (one of her favorite foods) and we hung out over here and took it easy. It was a wonderful day, not to mention it was MLK day, which of course makes everything better.

Today was a history maker of course. If you don't know what happened today, you suck.

For anyone who missed it, this is President Obama's inauguration speech. I got up extra special early to watch it, and if I could do it, you have no excuse.

So now I should take this time to make good on my promises of further elaboration on a couple of topics. One being the concert I keep making reference to, and the other being that bread crust thing. Here we go:

Concert: As previously mentioned, I attended a 3OH!3 concert last Friday night. The show was awesome, and I had a really good time. The real story starts after the show though...Forrest and I were very hungry, so we left our sleepy comrades back at the hotel and began a hunt for some pizza. We ended up at a Papa John's just down the street from our hotel. I need to stop and mention to you that we were situated on Colfax avenue in Denver, Colorado. This is a sketchy place for two skinny white kids. Anyway, the Papa John's had stopped carry out service at 10 PM and it was about 1 in the morning...so we didn't really know what to do. Fortunately for us, one of the associates came outside and explained that he had a "street vendors licence" and he would gladly sell us a pizza if we waited out here on the scary dark curb. Needless to say, we accepted this offer, and began to wait. During this wait, we had a drug deal, or something suspiciously reminiscent of a drug deal go down about two feet away from us, which ended with a Hispanic couple screaming at an African American man who appeared to be very strung out, and the source of whatever was being obtained...we were pretty freaked out. Eventually they left and the wait resumed.

Next we watched a very obviously drunk man walk up the sidewalk at about 4 feet per minute. That's 240 feet an hour. He made his way to a bus stop where some woman promptly called the cops on him. As soon as the cops showed up, the man stood up and started groping around for something under his coat...I'm sure you can figure out what we might have been thinking...So as we prepared to be shot, the cop told the man to get down on the ground. The guy complied, and started singing to the sidewalk. It was actually pretty funny. Then the pizza came. We promptly left.

That's really all for the concert, so on we go to bread crust:

The other day at dinner, my girlfriend, Sydney, and I had a very interesting conversation about bread and it's tasty crust. First of all, you should know that she hates crust. So anyway, the basic premise of our conversation was this question: "Why did adults always tell us that bread crust was healthy/it would make our eyes sparkle or our hair curl/we should just eat it?" We discussed the fact that bread crust has no obviously heightened level of nutrition, and it will never make one's eyes sparkle, unless that is, it goes down the wrong way and you choke a little, thusly making you tear up. Well, here's the funny part of the story. I did some research on bread crust. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a crumb of bread crust has eight times the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants as a crumb from another part of the slice. So I guess the moral of the story is eat your crust and you won't die a terrible death via a giant brain tumor.

Wow. This is the longest blog I've ever written here on blogspot.com. I hope you made it through the whole thing, and thanks for reading.

Have a good night.


P.S. Here is some entertainment...this is a video that my dear friend Victoria recommended to me. It's highly inappropriate, but it's funny. Also, since Obama made a direct quote from George Washington today, I thought this fit.

P.P.S. Please take a second to click the "Who are you?" poll over there on the right, just below the youtube box. Please.

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