
Hey all,

Here I am, needing a shave, probably smelling bad, and very very awake on this Wednesday morning, January 14th, 2009. This week has been intense so far. Sunday didn't amount to much, other than a nice 2 mile run where my sweat froze, which I found to be quite irritating.

Monday I began my second semester of classes. This time around I have US History Since 1865, The Physics of Sound and Music, Spanish Two, and Intro to Theatre. Mondays consist of History, Theatre and Spanish. After class, I went for another run. It was not nearly as cold, and I enjoyed it immensely. While I'm on the topic, I'd like to share with you an observation that I've had ever since I started running: Everything is better when you're running. Some would say that everything is better when you're high, and well, it's the same concept. In running long distance, after a while, your body starts to believe that you are running from something, not running just for the sake of running. This causes mass amounts of endorphins to be released, and essentially your body becomes euphoric. You are high more or less by your own means. This sensation, being a natural instinct/survival tool, makes the world a little more sharp and real. All the sounds your hear while running are amplified, your own raw breathing, the singing birds, the traffic, it all makes a cacophony that is really quite pleasing and diverse. After running for a few miles, you start to feel no pain. It's a lot like floating. You can breathe easy again, your legs move like there is resistance being met, and you just fly. It's one of the best feelings that I know personally, and I just wanted to share that with you all who think I'm crazy for running.

Anyway, Tuesday classes go like this: Sound and Music back to back with Spanish. Then I'm done. The homework has been crazy lately too, with initial assignments in all my classes and 5-6 page worksheets in Spanish as well. It's gonna be a good semester.

Well, that's really all I have for this particular post, other than the video at the bottom, which is really quite funny. I stumbled across it the other day and I really enjoyed it.

Goodnight guys...(or good morning I suppose)


1 comment:

  1. live to run, run to live!

    I like and agree very much with your description of running, I've started back up myself and glad I did (9 miles total last week, 12 miles this week)


Whatcha think?