

Hey all-

First off, I want you to know that oval shaped dill slices are amazing.
Actually, pickles in general are pretty good.

Sorry. That was random.

Well, my thoughts for today involve the expenses involved in going to college. First of all, why do books have to cost so much? I myself only spent $90 this semester, but that's because I bought all used books that are probably falling apart over the Internet. As for the folks that purchase their books from the campus book store, they might spend upwards of $300. I don't think this is fair. My friend Chris put it pretty well in saying, "We can buy a movie that cost millions of dollars to produce for twenty bucks, but I have to spend seventy-five on a textbook?"

Secondly, what's up with tuition? It's gross. I think that if everyone who graduates in 2009 just waited a year to go to college, and every college in America took a big blow from this choice, tuition prices would drop. I mean, I can't reliably rant about this, because I know that my money is being spent on academic "stuff" but in my opinion, it would be nice to know where it's going...perhaps college budgets and the like should be public record or something. I don't know. Just a thought.

In other thoughts...

Did you know that Honey Bunches of Oats was almost named Battle Creek Cereal, and then Post Sugar Sparkle Flakes before coming to the final decision of Honey Bunches of Oats? Interesting...


I'm back in Boulder now, I just got my room all set back up. It's looking pretty good. I have my Christmas lights strung illegally all over the fire sprinkler pipes and my Skelemingos back on their perch. (Skelemingos are those flamingos that you see on peoples lawns, except mine are black and have their bones painted on them. It's nice.) I start classes on Monday, and I'm not sure yet if I'm ready. I think everything will be just fine though...the biggest challenge is social issues. :D

Well, I suppose that's it for tonight.
Here's a fun video for you.

Have a good night.


P.S. That's three this week Lacey.
I wouldn't break my resolution that quick.

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