
Technically I'm wearing pants...

Hey all,

Here's a catch up for you all.

Since my last big post, a lot has happened...

For starters, I've been reminded of some big things in life, mostly thanks to my dad. For one, it's not fair for me to rant about things like custodians in my blog because I'm borrowing money to pay for college. I should appreciate the fact that I'm going instead of whining about how that money is being spent. It's difficult sometimes for me to keep in mind that I really am a poor college kid. For those of you who don't know, CU Boulder is home to many, many rich kids...and their attitude can be infectious. Watching people get whatever they want, whenever they want and not have to consider the consequences is part of my day to day life, and well, it's pretty easy to mold to your environment sometimes. Dad and I also talked about the fact that I don't have to stay here either, mainly because I have decided to take a different path in life than originally intended. What I'm talking about mainly is the fact that I came to school here to become an architect, and now I want to be an English major. You may ask, what difference does it make? Well, CU is the only accredited architecture school in Colorado, and that was the big draw. Unfortunately, this big draw comes with a big price tag. Now I'm at the point where I have to evaluate whether or not I want to stay here in Boulder and continue my education. On one hand, going somewhere else would be much cheaper, especially in the areas of housing and living expenses, not to mention tuition itself, but on the other hand, I have grown to love this community. Boulder is such a place of self expression, unheard-of traditions, and unique people that I don't want to leave. This town has grown on me quite a bit. Granted, I've only ever lived in Pagosa, but man, this is a great place.

Anyway, I'm done with the heavy stuff for now. In other news, this last Friday, Sydney took me to Lyons, and for a belated Christmas gift, we went pin-balling. It was an awesome time. I got to play about 20 different machines and listen to Elton John, The Beatles, The Eagles, Tom Petty, and the like for a couple of hours. After that we rented some movies and just hung out. It was a great Friday night. All except this movie we watched - The Aristocrats. I do NOT recommend this movie to anyone not in a vegetative state. It was a huge waste of time.

Anyway, this week has been full mainly of history and physics homework so far. I've also been actively looking for a job on campus, so I'll let you know how that turns out.

As for the random observations I always throw out, here is a copy of a flyer handed to me on campus today:

I thought the concept was interesting to say the least.

Also, I would like to address a few changes to the blog. There is a different header now, as well as fewer posts being shown. If you want to access my older posts, please use the blog archive on the right hand side of the screen. Also, thank you to all of you who actually did the poll last month, I put up a new one, so please use it. It is located underneath the youtube box, and I need your input please. Below that, you'll find a couple new additives, such as the super fun Mario game I've included. Try it out. You'll like it.

Oh, one last thing, I will be trying to upload a video blog, or vlog, once a week from now on. It should be a good time.

Now, I need to go wrap up my homework.

Have a good night.


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