
This week...

Hey all,

So this past week has been busy busy busy.
Monday I had a history exam, which I feel pretty good about...
Tuesday was decent, nothing too big to report.
Wednesday, I decided to go out with Sydney and get some Qdoba, which worked pretty good, considering we had a fire drill at about the same time. After we picked up our food, I drove her over to the Environmental Design building so she could work in studio. I sat around and read my history book for a bit, and then went to play racquetball with Lissa, Meghan, and this time, Pat. I was dying of hunger, but didn't want to eat my Qdoba before exerting myself physically, you know, because I sort of don't like to puke. Anyway, I met with them at the rec center and realized that I'd forgotten my student ID, which is key to getting in. So then Pat had to pay five dollars for me to get in. I at this point was feeling sort of irritated with myself, but it was going to be fine. Once we proceeded to start playing, I felt a lot better, and smashing that little blue ball into the wall was a good release. Unfortunately, I then got nailed in the side of the head. It hurt. But it's okay. Accidents happen, and I still love you Lissa. :)
After all that, I went back to the studio and hung out with Sydney for a bit. When we walked back to my car, I found a nice little parking ticket on it...that just capped off the evening. I hadn't eaten all day, I had a headache, and now a parking ticket. I had parked in an empty lot near the studio, and it was after five, so we assumed no one would monitor it, but we were wrong. So we headed back to my room, where I dug into my burrito. I ate it too fast and got a stomach ache. That was Wednesday.
Thursday's only newsworthy event was my oral exam in Spanish, which went surprisingly well. I was stoked on that. The next day I didn't have to go to that class either, which was exciting.
Friday, I went to history recitation, helped Janelle with a paper, and only had one other class, being Theatre. It was a splendid day. Friday night was good too, had some friends over, stayed up too late, and just had a good time.
Saturday morning, I got up early and headed to Windsor to see my great aunt and uncle as well as my grandparents, which was waaay cool. Grandma and Aunt Arlene cooked me a full on Thanksgiving dinner for lunch, and sent home cookies and stuff. I was stoked. Also, my sister sent a painting, which I'm in love with. It's going up on my wall today.
Saturday night, I ended up going to bed before 10, which does not happen, and I slept like a rock. I got up at about 7:50 this morning, and I felt really good. Other than the fact that I'm hungry and the dining hall doesn't open till 11. I can wait though...

Well, that's life right now. I have some tests to study for today, and scholarship applications to do. It's gonna be a good day.

Before I go, here's some observations from the week:

- Sometimes friendships can happen so quickly that its scary.
- Sometimes it's okay to think about yourself before someone else.
- Sometimes you don't realize who your real friends are till you're stuck in a bind.
- I have found that I'm not a fan of artificial lighting. When I walk into a room, I don't really mind if the light is dependent on the sun. Especially in the bathroom for some reason. That is unless it's night, and I do appreciate the light.
- It really bothers me when I find a cut somewhere on my body and I don't know where or how i got it.

I guess that's it for now.

Oh, by the way, does anyone else remember this show?



  1. Hey Brad look i'm posting a comment! Anyways I do remember that show, that's funny that you put a video of it up (I liked the baby one that was in the egg he was my favorite). And I'm starting to get the feeling I won't hear the end of the whole hitting you in the head until you hit me and can no longer give me crap about it...Luckly I have faith that the day will come sometime soon because someone always leaves injured :)

  2. Dude I totally remember that show!!!! I don't know where from but I do nonetheless. Thats just crazy. And im sorry about wednesday....


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