
Dirty mouth? Clean it up with ($500 worth of) Orbit!

Hey all,

Tonight I come to you from Frisco, Colorado, again at Chris's condo. Tomorrow I'm going to go snowboarding, and it's gonna be fun. Anyway, here's some news I found interesting: (I've decided to start giving a link for all of you who would like to follow up on any given story and see it in it's pure form, untainted of my point of view.)

Earlier in the week I came across a report concerning a man named Angel Galvan-Hernandez, a Seattle local. Apparently the under five foot tall man plead guilty to two counts of rape, both taking place at Myrtle Edwards park. In short, Angel is being sentenced to 20 years in the clink, but he is currently trying to appeal this sentence for one that is even harsher: the death penalty. It seems that his worst fear is to be raped in jail. I found this to be quite ironic. In my opinion, give the guy what he deserves and let the little man get raped in prison. He stated that he would rather die a thousand times than be raped in prison. He claims to have been sexually assaulted many times as a youngster in the streets of Mexico, and while he wants to pay for the crime, he does not want the same treatment.
Find more here.

My next report involves a man who cannot spell and looks like an all-around ass. Larry Ford is a property owner on Beal Parkway, a high traffic area, in Florida. He uses the traffic to further his point of view, and also tends to fly a large confederate flag in his front yard for all to see. Lately, he's been putting signs in the ground facing the road proclaiming "January 20th, 2009 - A day of Darkness" with the large word "Hussen" below it. Yes, I spelled that how he spelled it. He hates President Obama, and commonly refers to him as Hussein, but as you can see, he failed to spell it right.

When it was brought to Ford's attention that he misspelled the president's middle name he said this: "I think everybody knows who I'm talking about, don't you? American people are the stupidest people in the world, but something like that I think they can figure out."

I want for people like this to have their constitutional right of free speech revoked. And that's all I have to say.

In recent news, it has been released that the US Armed Forces do not support "Bring your kid to work day." I think that's okay when you have to go to Iraq for work. :)

My last story is sort of stupid. A 21-year-old named Kenneth McManus was released from jail on $500 bond after stealing over $500 worth of gum from grocery stores in his near vicinity. Initially it was a $75 theft from a pharmacy...and then $200 worth from his hometown supermarket in Stratford, Ct...and the last straw was when he was caught on surveillance cameras stealing individual packs from a Fairfield supermarket. The total was just over $500, and all of it was chewing gum. All I could think while reading this is, "What...the...f***?"
Find more here.

Anyhow, I think that's all I've got for tonight. I might make a post tomorrow...but we'll see. Goodnight everyone.


Here's your entertainment for tonight.

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