
No iPhone?

Hey all,

So, I'm thinking this blog is starting to become pretty much a rendition of how I feel about world news on a weekly basis, and I sort of like that theme. I get the feeling that it's probably more entertaining to some of you than reading about my unremarkable college life. So here goes:

Since we've last spoken, the earth was almost thrown into apocalyptic doom by an asteroid. Now you may be asking yourself, "Why did I not know about this?" Well, don't feel bad, most of the world didn't know either. At about 9:00 last night, an asteroid named 2009 DD45 nearly hit the earth just west of Tahiti. The body of the asteroid was about 200 feet across, and while this may seem trivial, it would have hit the earth with the same force as a large nuclear weapon detonation, and would have devastated most of the Pacific region of the world with huge tidal waves. The odd part of the story, and why no one knew till late last night, is that an Australian astronomer named Robert McNaught detected the asteroid's presence on Friday and basically didn't tell anyone. The initial calculations said that it was actually going to hit us, but low and behold, it did not. Thanks for the warning Bob. It missed us by about 40,000 miles, which is about 1/7 of the distance from here to the moon, and about twice the distance that satellites orbit at. This may seem like a huge distance, but in astronomical terms, it's actually extremely close. Oh well. We're not dead. I suppose that's what's important. The conflicting report states that McNaught said after the fact that the asteroid was "nothing to worry about." I'll let you decide.

In other news, AIG, you know, that giant company that seems to insure everything in the whole world, and the government bailed out with our tax money? Yeah? Well, they lost a crap-load of money again today. This time it was $61.7 billion. The government response to this is probably going to be to give them even more money. I find myself asking, "Why does this company have customers? What if something they insure actually fails? Will they have any money left to compensate?" Of course this is all after the corporate jet debacle. What a crock. I know I tend to be liberal, but you Republicans have a point when you say the government needs to stay out of business. Screw AIG. Let them fail. I don't care who's assets are wrapped up in it, obviously somebody is doing something wrong. Let them take the fall.

What else has happened recently...

Oh yes. More police brutality. Just watch this.

Now, the story behind this is, as you can see, the girl, who by the way is 15, is led into her cell, and before the officers leave, she kicks off her shoe at one of them. This leads to her subsequent beating, or as the new internet slang goes, she got "Chris Browned." The video pretty much speaks for itself. This was released yesterday, and the report the officer filed today said that the shoe caused him "bleeding," "pain," and "bruising." He was also offended that the girl called him and his partner "Fat pigs." Now, my take on this is that guy had some pent up rage going on for that to happen and that girl would have had to have been a 500 pound NFL lineman wearing steel-toed boots in order to cause that much "suffering" to a grown man.

Just a little snippet I found this evening: Bill Gates has gone as far as to ban iPhones and iPods in his Washington home. His wife just recent revealed this news to Vouge magazine, and apparently it's sort of upsetting to his kids. Boo hoo. I don't have an iPhone either.

Well, that's all I found interesting today.

As for the personal update, my week is fairly busy...I have two midterms on Friday and I've been studying and doing homework, and so forth and so on. That's my life.

Well, here's your entertainment for tonight.

Oh, and I'd also like to thank all of you who voted on the layout poll. The current layout is going to stay till I get sick of it. :D

Beyond that, thank you as well for your continued support. It means a lot.



  1. You are now my favorite news sorce.

  2. wasn't it you who told me not to make the emo kids cry...?


Whatcha think?