
Poetry, camping, etc...

Hey all,

I have a few things to tell you. Firstly, I have joined a blog that was previously unadvertised to the public to this one. It is for Lucid Dreams Inkorporated, a blog I started under the pen name Darwin Cosk. It was dedicated primarily to my poetry, and I have since decided to declassify it primarily because I'm working on getting some of my poetry published, so I can't really have my work out there under two names, if you know what I mean. The link for this blog is here: http://ldink.blogspot.com/.

Alright, with that said, lets do an update:

This past week I went home for spring break. I had a really really good time. I worked a lot on my car and that sort of stuff. Unfortunately, my parents had to leave for a family emergency and I spent most of my break at home alone. That was okay though, I spent some time with my grandparents, which was good. I also didn't work at my crappy job at the supermarket either, so that was good too. The big epiphany for me while being home was the fact that I really miss where I come from. Forrest and I were driving home from a camping trip, which in itself was wonderful, but as we drove, I noticed a man driving the other way in an old crappy truck. He had a gun rack in the back window full of rifles and fishing poles. I had a startling realization (sort of in contrast to the previous post) that while I immensely enjoy living in Boulder, I really miss my redneck heritage sometimes. I mean, I come from a place where I can go out with my fishing pole pretty much no matter what season and fish pretty much wherever I like. I can go shoot giant guns out in the woods and no one really cares. I can camp wherever, whenever. It is one of the best places on the planet. We get a lot of crap for being hicks, but here's what I think: Sure you drive a European import, but can you fix it? Yeah, you might own an Italian leather sports jacket, but have you ever worn leather boots? Or shall I put it like this: you go to a tanning bed, I go outside. You have beautiful smog induced sunsets, we have clean living at a high elevation. All in all, I am happy to live in Boulder, but I must say that I am dang proud to have come here from a little place called Pagosa Springs, CO.

Anyway, to tell you more about the aforementioned camping trip, basically Forrest and I went down to the Navajo Lake area for a one-nighter. It was an awesome time. It just got really cold. Probably down below twenty degrees. But that's okay. Camping is camping, no matter how you put it. And yes Lissa, I made sure not to go alone...just for you. :)

So, now I'm back at school, doing what I do. Study, eat, blog, stuff like that...you know. So what's in the news today...?

Here's a good one for ya: A woman deliberately blocked the entrance to the driveway she shared with her neighbor, prohibiting the ambulance that was taking said neighbor to the hospital to receive medical attention for his severe chest pain. The man ended up dying an hour later. The background here goes like this: 62 year old Malcolm Burdett was being wheeled out of his house on a stretcher when Gillian Birdsall, the man's neighbor, pulled into the driveway, blocking the ambulance that was to take him away. When asked to move her car, she sarcastically asked, "Has anyone died?" That was all she had to say, and well, she didn't move her car for ten minutes. This caused the man to die. I hate people who do things like this. Basically, she is being charged with his death. She is fighting the claim, and it looks like the case will go on for a long time. More here.

In happier news, my hair has gotten so long that my friends don't recognize me. Boo.

Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. You all have a good night and what not.


Oh yes, this is what I learned about in physics class today. Listen to the noise this guy makes with this throat. It's trippy.

And also, I want to make a dedication to my cousin and good friend Sheridan who seems to be having some car trouble. Let's hope it doesn't get this bad. I wish you all the luck in the world cuz!


  1. Hey now! I drive a European import that I can't fix!.....I also beat two guys in a bb gun shooting contest, have gone cow tipping, and know how properly chop up a prairie dog with a cleaver for owl food. I guess I'm just well rounded. :)

  2. All I have to say about your poetry is...Wow! My fav is #4. I'm glad you decided to share this with the rest of us.

    Also, if Sheridan's car ever breaks down, I hope that guy is nowhere around. ;)

  3. Ok. If the I'm not going to break down until I look like that guy, I think I'll be in good shape! :) However, it is most likely that I will be walking everywhere I go this summer, I just won't be pushing the car. That, I will leave at home. I am also proud to be from the country. Not exactly the mountains and all that, but I definitely understand where you are coming from and I personally wouldn't want it any other way.

  4. Oh Brad. I'm glad you had company while camping...I'm so proud of you...Good thing I didn't have to worry about any animals attacking you this time...


Whatcha think?