
Why dynamite fishing is bad...

Hey all,

Well, as stated in my last post, I'm home. Pagosa is just the same as ever...small and boring, but full of friends and familiar faces. Instead of working at the store, I've been doing some odd jobs for family and friends...as well as a lot of work on my car. So that's all been fun.

I must apologize for the lack of posts recently, but I got home, and CenturyTel seemed to be having some issues, so I didn't finish off last week. To fill you in, basically all that happened was after my giant midterm of doom on Wednesday, the week just slowly petered out and by the time Friday rolled around, I was ready to head home. Saturday I left relatively early and met Forrest half ways...about Poncha Springs. Let me recommend something to you - If you are ever in the Salida area, DO NOT eat at the Windmill Bar and Grill. It was overpriced and not too quality. And the fact that it's in Salida is just bad enough.

Okay...fun news time.

So, apparently it's a pretty common, although illegal practice in Vietnam to fish with dynamite. It actually sounds pretty fun to me, but yesterday things went very wrong for 4 Vietnamese fishermen. They looked over the edge of their boat to find large bubbles coming up from below and assumed it was a big ol' fishy. In response,they dumped some lit TNT overboard and after the explosion the went under to find their catch. After careful examination, they found that they had not killed a giant fish, but in fact it was a diver. This is why fishing with dynamite is stupid and illegal. More here.

What else....

Oh yes, I was talking to my dear cousin Sheridan today about the web service Twitter...and I came across an article that reviewed a new curriculum for schools in Britain. Basically, instead of history and literature and the like, the plan is to teach kids to use web sites like Wikipedia, how to tweet on Twitter, blog, and make podcasts. Sex education would be completely compulsory, and children as young as nine would be taught about making informed decisions about drugs and alcohol. English will be eliminated, and "media texts" will take over, meaning emails, IMs, Tweets, and Wikis. I'm not sure how to react to this. Leave me comments. More here.

In other news, yesterday a woman was ticketed by police when she stopped her car to resuscitate her severely disabled son on the way to the hospice. She had stopped to help little Freddie who has a breathing disorder and the police pulled up, issued a ticket for the traffic impediment...and Freddie recovered as the ticket was issued. What a crock. More here.

Lastly, I have come across another story about an Italian brain surgeon who had a heart attack while performing a brain surgery. Instead of stopping like a normal person and grabbing his chest, falling down and gasping a bunch, he continued on and successfully performed the life saving surgery. Props to you, Mr. Italian Brain Surgeon. More here.

Anyway, I think that's it for tonight. I'll catch you again soon. :D


Watch Ms. Scarlet fall down. It's funny.


  1. About the Britain thing...I think that it is a great idea to teach kids with the latest technologies, however, to eliminate other classes and solely teach this seems absurd. Also, there is a lot of not-so-educational stuff on the internet and I don't think children as young as 9 need to experience that--especially for a school assignment.
    --Your Dear Cousin Sheridan

  2. I'm not quite sure about that British curriculum either...I think it's an interesting idea, but it shouldn't replace contemporary literature; it should just supplement it.

    Just promise not to do so in your future classroom :)

    p.s. this is Sydney and I'm posting this an anonymous because I'm pretty sure it's a solid way to go. maybe.

  3. What are they thinking??? You think people can't spell now, just wait 'til kids are taught texting shortcuts. Definitely not the way to go.
    -Your Dear Cousin Sheridan's Mom


Whatcha think?