
Little Quickie...

Hey all,

So, my cousin Sheridan was telling me the other day that she's dissapointed in the fact that she can't have any real outdoor adventures where she lived. I suggested she start doing some parkour. Instead of explaining this, I'll just let you watch the video:

I just think this is one of the coolest urban sports ever. :D
Oh, and I love the artist, Rob Dougan, who did the song.
Here's another.

Anyway, I think I'm going to bed now. To close, here is some more YouTube entertainment. This guy is AMAZING with keyboards.

There will be a news update and more of the Grand Canyon Adventures soon.



My ears will never be the same...

Hey all,

Here is the much awaited update, etc.

Okay...my life lately has been busy busy busy. These past few weeks have been full of paper writing, studying, and as of late, packing. I really had no idea just how much stuff I crammed into this little dorm room. I stayed up till about 2:00 AM yesterday morning packing up all my non-essential clothes and stuff. Also, I have fallen a bit ill...I probably have swine flu, but you know, finals first.

Oh yes, I wanted to be sure to tell you about fruit golfing. I experienced it last week. My friends Jack, Adam, Nick, Kyle and I all smacked some fruit from the dining hall into the pond out front. It was really fun. I recommend it to anyone needing to alleviate stress. Oh, and in our case, the turtles really dig it. :D

Anyway, it's about 2:00 AM, and here I am blogging. I just got back from one of the most intense experiences of my life. I don't know if you know, but one of my passions is live music, and I went to a concert last night...the line-up of which was like this:

(I've included a 30 second clip of each band, just so you can get a feel for their style. If you would like to listen further, simply click the "click here to hear full song" link in the box.)

Municipal Waste

Substitute Creature - Municipal Waste

Unfortunately, we showed up a bit late and didn't see Municipal Waste, but I wasn't too disappointed. The artists I came to see were on later.

God Forbid
Antihero - God Forbid

God Forbid threw down a good set of songs, and I really enjoyed them.

Children Of Bodom
Hate Crew Deathroll - Children of Bodom

Children Of Bodom have been a long time favorite of mine. They are a Swedish Black Metal band, and their frontman, Alexi Laiho has been rated as one of the worlds best guitarists, and to many is the figurehead for metal guitar. We found out early in their set that Alexi had broken his shoulder while being drunk on the tour bus, but he played the whole show, solos and all. I was very impressed.

As I Lay Dying
94 Hours (live) - As I Lay Dying

The above song was As I Lay Dying's closer, and the first full song of theirs that I ever heard. I really enjoy this group a lot, with their blend of American Metal and a little bit of California punk vocals. The set they shared with us was intense, and it was then that I really started to mosh. For those of you who don't know what a circle pit is, let me explain. A circle pit is a group of crazy hyper metal head freaks running around in a giant circle, pushing, shoving, and punching, depending on the show. This particular circle pit probably involved a solid hundred people or so, and I only stayed in for a single lap. I got elbowed in the back of the head and poked in the eye a couple of times, so I decided to hang on the edge and push everyone else around.

Lamb of God
Now You've Got Something To Die For - Lamb of God

Lamb of God is one of my all-time favorite bands. A lot of people don't know it, but I went through a huge phase where all I listened to was metal. I was sort of obsessed. Since the end of my junior year of high school, I have expanded a lot, and I listen to a lot of underground hip hop and some alternative rock now, but my roots still lie in metal. Anyway, Lamb of God have been a part of my life for a long time, and it was a huge privilege to see them in the flesh. The above song is one that they played midway through their set, and is one of my favorites. I'm also very happy to report that Randy Blythe has his hair back. :)

Anyway, that was one of the most exciting things I've done in a long time, and I don't know if I'll be able to walk tomorrow after all that moshing, but it was well worth it; a very good break in pace before finals.

Okay, that's life lately...here is the Grand Canyon Adventure, Chapter 2:

After the oil changing fiasco, it was time to head out. We left bright and early and the weather was phenomenal; a perfect day for a drive. As we left Pagosa and got out on the open road, our attitudes took a dive. We began to notice that the car's automatic transmission would not shift any higher than fourth gear. After the tachometer got to about 4,000 RPM, the car would buck a little, and just stay in fourth gear. This was a bit of a problem, not to mention a huge irritation. It required hills and a lot of time to reach actual highway speeds in this current state, but what to do? We couldn't go back now.

We made a stop in Durango, CO, an hour away from Pagosa to buy stove fuel. Then it was off to Arizona. As we drove the mountain pass right outside Durango, it became increasingly evident that it was going to take us a very long time to get to where we wanted to be before the end of the day.

After we left Colorado, and all of it's cool airy-ness, we began to descend into the New Mexico/Arizona area. We decided with the current state of affairs that it would be bad to use the A/C, so we just toughed it out. I was in the backseat with the giant pile of gear next to and behind me, and I got very hot. Forrest didn't roll down the windows either, for the sake of aerodynamics, so I, being a large hairy male, got really sweaty. I ended up taking off all my clothes, short of my underwear and passing out. I think that Forrest got jealous of my slight comfort and whenever I would drift off into a nice, warm, peaceful nap, he would open all the windows and startle me awake. I got sort of angry at this, so I made extra sure that he knew just how much sweat I was tarnishing his interior with. It was quite the ride.

We drove like this for many hours out across the flats of Arizona, making a stop every now and then to use the restroom and buy a cold drink or a snack. We got to the Grand Canyon National Park at about 5:00 PM, about two hours behind schedule. Before finding that evening's camp site, we decided to visit the visitor center. By this point, I'd drank a lot of tea and/or Gatorade and quite frankly, I needed to pee. I had to run across and through the visitor center like a freak so as not to humiliate myself.

After our brief touristy visit, we found a good spot in a campground to stay the night. We set up our bedding under the stars and set the alarm for 4:30 AM.

To be continued in Chapter 3.

I'll talk to you soon!


P.S. Here's your entertainment.


I am sick.

Hey all,

I will update you more on things, as promised, but till I feel like typing that much, I pose to you a question:

How crazy would a stampede of Furbies be?

As you may have inferred from the title, I have fallen ill. I have the beginnings of some sort of chest cold. Or it's really bad allergies. Anyway, I'll be able to tell soon...and in the meantime, I've been pounding back the EmergenC and Echinacea.

I'll update you more on things later today, when I'm not sleeping/studying for finals.



Oh no, please President Obama, I implore, don't shut off my Internet!

Hey all,

So, I came across an interesting story recently concerning the internet. Being an avid user of the internet, this story struck me fairly hard. It seems that there is a bill working it's way through the house right now that woulde essentially allow government executives (mainly President Obama himeself) to turn off the internet at their (his) liking. I am not a fan of this proposal. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) issued a report called "Securing Cyberspace for the 44th President" in which they recommends the creation of the office of cybersecurity czar, called a National Cybersecurity Adviser, who will oversee national network security. "Thanks to the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, the cybersecurity czar will be advised by a panel stakeholders from government, private, academic, and nonprofit sectors, much like the signatories to CSIS’s report. Also under the longer bill, the President can order the disconnection of any federal or private critical infrastructure network during emergencies or for reasons of national security. “Critical infrastructure” could include the networks attached to financial, power, transportation, medical, communication or any other network deemed critical that could be the target of a cyber attack" (www.prowebnews.com).

Now, what does this mean for the average American internet user? This means that your internet banking can be shut off, your online hospital/medicare billing can be shut off, your bus schedules will be taken down, and you probably wont be able to email anyone. Well, that doesn't seem too bad at first glance, but think about this: If the government can shut the interent down, don't you think they can probably take a peek at what anyone in the United States is doing online at any given moment? Beyond that, don't you think that this power will be abused? It just screams, "Please congress! Please Mr. President! Abuse me!" Say...just hypothetically speaking, there was to be a mass uprising against the government, for reasons legitamate or otherwise, and the internet got shut down, how much communication would be cut off? Actuall phone services use the same technology that your computer does to communicate with other computers...so the potential for phone lines to go down is high as well. The government could essentially destroy a mass movement, which technically, is our right to perform as a people, should we see it fit. This is one of the most massive attempts to censor the American people that has ever been seen. The sad thing is, have you heard about it? I didn't think so. That should tell you something right there. More here.

Enough paranoia.

So...Chapter one of the Grand Canyon Adventure, just as promised.

Chapter one: Trusty Crusty

As you can probably infer, once upon a time, I went to the Grand Canyon. This particular occasion was my senior trip. My best friends, Chance and Forrest, and myself all decided to do a week long backbacking trip in that giant ditch in Arizona. Our story begins in Forrest's driveway. Since he volunteered to drive his beautiful car, a Subaru Forester named Trusty Crusty, on the adventure, I volunteered to pay for an oil change. I drove out to his house with all the oil changing amenities: oil, funnel, oil filter, rags, etc. We were out tinkering away when Forrest's dear old dad, Tony, decided to come out and "help." His helping in essence ended up with him taking the transmission filter off, draining the fluid out of the transmission, filling the oil pan up with the prescribed amount of motor oil and trying to start the car. Those of you who actually know what I just said will know already that the car didn't start, simply because there was no transmission fluid in the transmission. We couldn't figure out why the car wouldn't start for about an hour...and then it dawned on us: there were two filters under the car labled "oil filter." It didn't take long to figure out what had happened. Once we drained half the oil, essentially not changing it at all, but diluting it, and put more transmission oil back into the transmission, the car started once more. How joyous. We didn't know till the next morning just what the consequences of these actions actually were...

More to come in chapter 2, The Drive.

And now, here is an example of YouTube abuse.

Anywhoozer, I guess now that your are thoroughly disgusted it's time for a personal update.

Here is my life since my last post:

I wrote a lot of papers. I didn't sleep a lot. I got to the point where I decided I don't like college. Then I changed my mind. It was quite the week of ups and downs. If you can tell, I'm sick of typing. I'll fill you in more on my life tomorrow. In fact, that's all I'll talk about. I promise.

Here is the same YouTuber, again abusing YouTube, but this time it sort of reminds me of me. Enjoy.




Hey all,

It's been too long. Far too long.

I've been trying to prepare my next post for over a week with no avail.
I promise I'll do it tonight.
I haven't even had time to keep up with Youtube. Which is pretty sad. Anyway, I'm not one to neglect my fans...So here's something fun for ya.

Anyway, int the next post you can find:

Some news.
Personal update.
Chapter one of the Grand Canyon adventure.
More Youtube.

Thanks for your patience and stuff. :D




Hey all,

There is a poll over there on the right, just below that fun litle slideshow, for a reason.
It says, "Who are you?" at the top.
I would like to know who my reader demographic is.
I know that I don't have only 4 readers.
If that's all I have, 4 of you have viewed this blog repeatedly, over and over, until I somehow got upwards of 550 views. That's about 138 views for each of you. If you are doing this, you have no life.
Those of you who have not voted, please do.
After this polling period is over, I'm just taking the stupid thing down.



Steam rollers, breasts, and Simon eating his words.

Hey all,

I'm just gonna dive right in.

First, please watch this. I almost started crying. Unfortunately, I can't embed it, so please click the link. Please.


For more on this amazing woman, click here.

Now, onto some news:

First, lets talk about drinking. Now, if you've had a few to many at the local brew pub and don't really want to walk home, what do you do? Call a cab? Grab a ride with a friend? Suck it up and stagger home? Some would say that these are all viable options, but not one man from Pflugerville, Texas. Last night, Pflugerville police found 32 year old Ronald Howell driving a steamroller home from the bar. The $180,000 Dynapac Vibrator Roller was sitting at a construction site, and I guess Ron got cold and felt like he needed to drive home instead of walking. The police report states that the vehicle was actually weaving in it's lane of traffic, and to worsen the danger, it was 4:00 AM, and the machine did not have any lights on. Ronald was arrested for drunk driving. I think that's funny enough by itself. I don't have anything else to say. More here.

Next, a more serious issue. Yesterday was April 15th. Not only is that my darling Grandma Margy's birthday, it is also the last day to file your federal income taxes. Now, I have many issues I could talk about here, including just how unconstitutional it is to impose income taxes and the fact that there is no statute saying you have to pay your taxes, but I would like to instead discuss the highly debated TEA parties that happened all over the country. TEA in this sense stands for Taxed Enough Already, and the movement was lead primarily by Republicans. Essentially the point that protesters wanted to get across is that the government is spending our hard earned income irresponsibly. I have a few friends that were bashing these demonstrations, and I would like to counter with a few points. First off: This is a prime example of freedom of speech. I don't care what they were protesting. Every citizen of the United States of America has the express right to peacefully demonstrate their own point of view, and I stand by this right. Censorship leads to ignorance and narrow mindedness. Even though you may think something is stupid, at least it motivated you to think, or at least form an opinion, a practice that seems to be disappearing. Secondly, If you take a peek at some of the spending that the White House has already done this year, you will see that the earmarks put into the budget are downright absurd. $160 million dollars went to farms in the Midwest to study the odor caused by pigs. Why did this show up in our spending budget? Especially when we are faced with a giant recession...that our President keeps promising to get us out of? I have the answer. It's about who you know. Lobbyists in Washington can manipulate their demographics, and work their own agendas into national matters. I don't think this is necessarily wrong, but I don't think pig odor research is as important as saving our country's ass. On the flip side, where do we draw the line? If we institute regulation on these matters, we are straying away from what it means to run a democracy. Anyway, before I get too off-topic, this is what I think: The people that got out there and tried to point out that our government is not spending money as wisely as it should be are doing what they should do. They are expressing their thoughts and feelings as every American should.
More here.

Okay, enough politics. I have some advice for all you ladies out there: Don't get breast or buttock implants anywhere but a licensed implant institute. That may seem like pretty obvious advice, but read on...A man was recently arrested in Spain for running a small side business out of his home. He had been using veterinary injection instruments to perform the aforementioned procedures for ultra cheap. His house was found to be filthy and inhabited by three dogs, a parrot, and two cats. He was only caught because one disgruntled customer submitted a complaint due to her sub-par breast enhancement. More here.

Last news story for tonight...I think this is one of the most depressing things I've ever seen. I gave up all hope for humanity. Yesterday in Myrtle Creek, Oregon, a woman hit a teenage boy with her Honda. He was knocked onto the hood and windshield, and then the ground as she came to a stop. He didn't appear to be injured too badly, and the woman got out of the car. She then handed the boy a $5 dollar bill and told him not to tell on her. Then she drove away. Luckily, the kid wasn't stupid, and he called the police. He sustained minor back and knee injuries, and the Myrtle Creek police department is investigating the hit and run. More here.

Now, all I have to say is, "What were you thinking? You and the drunk steamroller guy! What is this?" I'm sorry that I report on stupid news stories like this, but I feel like sometimes it's better to acknowledge the idiots around us and learn from them to just ignore them. Oh well. I'm amused either way. :)

Okay. My life.

I declared an English major today. I'll let you know how that progresses.

I have started submitting some of my poetry, which can be found here to on online magazine called Illiterate Magazine. They are pretty cool. Check it out. I'm trying to get published. :)

And really, that's life at the moment. I have some new surprises coming soon for the blog, but you just have to wait. More on that later.

I love you all,


P.S. Here is your entertainment for tonight.


Three Little Birds

Hey all,

Life has been very busy lately and I really haven't had much time to update you on things. First lets talk about some news!

First, I would like to relate a story to you about a certain consequence that came about due to the ban put in affect by President Obama against the use of torture at places like Guantanamo Bay to obtain information (holy cow that sentence is long and really confusing, but I'm not changing it). Essentially what has happened is PETA is looking to find a way to make this ban apply to animals. I quote: "Thousands of live animals are shot, stabbed, dismembered, burned, and poisoned every year in Department of Defense (DoD) training exercises designed to train medics and infantry in how to treat various human battlefield injuries. PETA is asking President Obama to issue an executive order requiring the DoD to replace animals with non-animal methods. These methods are readily available and already in use at several military installations. The non-animal methods include rotations in military trauma hospitals and the use of the DoD's own Combat Trauma Patient Simulator." Now, I understand that it is sort of inhumane to do these kinds of things to animals, but I must say that this is sort of a stretch. Most of the "testing" done on "live animals" in a military setting is actually done on dead pigs. They simulate human flesh very, very realistically. Anyway, that's not really the point. While it still remains true that there are animals used in military tests and they do usually die in somewhat cruel and unusual ways, but it is my personal opinion that its better for these tests to be done on animals than on humans. I mean, how would you feel if the US military was actively testing new weapons, such as, say...automatic grenade launchers, on humans? I think that's even more inhumane. PETA really wants you to write about to your congressman about how bad it is that goats and pigs are stabbed and monkeys are poisoned instead of humans in a polite, short, prewritten e-mail. If you feel like you would like to do that, please click here.

Next, I'd like to address a religious issue. It seems that a man in England has recently become dissatisfied with his baptism. John Hunt is a 56 year old resident of Croydon. He stopped believing in God at age 11 and stopped going to church. Now the atheist has asked the church to basically un-do his baptism on the grounds that the ceremony was not contestable by him in his infantile state, and he wants that pesky baptism thing off his chest. The church said that a baptism can't really be deleted because its a part of history...but the National Secular Society (NSS) shot back with a "de-baptism" certificate. It reads: "I reject all its creeds and other such superstitions in particular the perfidious belief that any baby needs to be cleansed of original sin." This form has now made it's round, and a lot of people have managed to get ahold of one...what a trend. More here.

Another amusing story I found involves a library in the Schaumburg Township District in Chicago. They are putting a ban on offensive odors. It's probably the most transparent attempt to eliminate homeless people from an establishment I've ever seen. Basically, it seems that there have been some people there that smell so badly that it has induced vomiting. I really doubt this fact, but anyway, the library is adding to its list of policies an ordinance on odor. I'd call that discrimination, especially in a public space, but hey, that's just me. More here.

My last news tid-bit involves the Finch Arboretum in Spokane, Washington. It seems that the place has recently been overrun by ground squirrels. The squirrels are known to dig tunnels that innocent folks can step into and fall down, as well as eat or damage tree roots. In response to this rising problem, the agency has brought in the big guns. A special machine called the Rodenator Pro is going to be used to "detonate" the squirrels. The Rodenator Pro works like this: it pumps the tunnels full of oxygen and propane and then sends in an electrical shock, igniting the gasses and killing the rodents. The residents living near the arboretum have been warned not to be alarmed if they hear sounds similar to gunshots or experience minor shaking or vibrations in or around their property. The company that makes and distributes the Rodenator is based out of Midvale, Ohio and claims on it's website that their product will take care of even the most serious problems, including but not limited to "Sabertoothed Gophers." You can find more here.

As for my personal news, I would like to recap my birthday events. As I recently mentioned, all of my friends up here threw me a little surprise party that even included a cake! It was a good time. Thank you all again! I also forgot to mention last time that while in Fort Collins, my Aunt Julie (who I call "aunt" here, but in reality she's my cousin) made me a batch of down-right fabulous cookies! I've eaten them all up by now, but they were wonderful down to the last bite.

As the week went on, I received quite a few birthday cards from the family. I decided to share them with you.

This first one, although a little odd was very funny. It came from my uncle Aaron and aunt Christina and their kids Samantha and Zoe. The gift that came with it was very very cool too, but I'm gonna come back to that in a later post. You'll see why.

This next one actually came with the aforementioned cookies, and is related to a previous post about my heritage. :) (please forgive me for the excess white space, the scanner was finicky...this is one of those cards that makes noise (toilet flushing), so the speaker got in the way a bit and didn't allow for smooth scanning)

This one came from my grandparents on my mom's side, Grandpa Harvey and Grandma Margy. :)

This one came from my other grandparents, Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Red. I love the Mercedes reference. :)

This one came from my Aunt Emily. :D

This one came from Emily's sister, Sheri, and her husband Jason, and their daughter Sarah. :) This one plays very serene music with chirpy birds.

This last one came from my parents. I love it. :)

Anyway, now that I've shared all those with you, this is the rest of my week....

Friday, I headed up to Denver to see my best buddy, Chance, and his girlfriend, Ginny, as well as a couple of other friends, Carolyn and Kelsey. Ginny baked me another cake, which was AWESOME! I think this is the only birthday that I've actually had two cakes. I was stoked. Needless to say, we had a good time. Thank you again Ginny for your hospitality. You are a wonderful girl, and I'm super duper excited Chance found you.

Saturday morning, well actually afternoon I guess, I caught I-25 up to Fort Collins to see some more friends. I had the opportunity to see my friends Cameron, Maddy, and Mike on campus at CSU, and we had an awesome time. After I left there, I headed over to my friend Alaina's house and got to meet her roommate, who she just happened to be having a dance party with in the kitchen. It was a fun time. We watched Fight Club and had wonderful angel food cake. So...here's a shout out to Alaina: THANK YOU SO MUCH! She even let me use her Wall-E pillow! I was super excited. :)

The following day was of course Easter! I went and saw some family, namely Aunt Julie, her husband, Scott and my little cousin Jake. We headed over to my cousin Mara's house and hung out and had lunch with more family and friends. More thanks goes to all my family, but especially to Julie and Scott, who I've really taken a liking to. Julie and I hadn't seen each other, at least not really, for a number of years, and I hadn't seen Scott in over 13. Its been really good to get to know them a little bit, and I hope to see them a lot more over the next few years.

After the Easter festivities, I headed back to Boulder. Yay for school!

Anyway, I think you all are up to speed by now.

There's only one thing left to do.

I have a really good friend out there, who also just happens to be my cousin. Her name is Sheridan, and she's Julie's daughter. I've recently had the privilege to get to know her as well, but it's just a wee-bit different: she lives in Tennessee. We got back in touch after about 7 years through good ol' Facebook, and now I don't go a day without talking to her. Right now she's going through that rough but wonderful time in life called "Graduation." She's all stressed about the ceremony, the family, and about college. Well, having lived through it, I'd like to dedicate this song to you Sheridan.

Three Little Birds - Bob Marley & The Wailers

Just remember: One foot in front of the other. Breathe...it's condusive to living. You're gonna come out of it just fine.

With that said, I think I'm gonna go to bed.





Hey all,

I just want you to know that I've been meaning to make a post for like a week now...but things have been very busy. I promise I'll give you an update soon.

Thank you,



Cake and Beetles...

Hey all,

First of all, I want you all to see this bug.

This bug is named Floggart II. He is the second beetle found in some desertous region that one of a nortorious trio (Forrest, Chance, or I) has named Floggart. The original one was found in the Grand Canyon in a place called Sumner Wash. The aforementioned trio was tired and hungry and in need of a good nights sleep when they stumbled upon a small beetle burrowing in the sand. Even though he was small, he was mighty and thriving in the harsh desert. The trio named him Floggart the Destroyer as they watched him quickly scurry about and then dissapear into the warm sandy bottom of the wash. They never saw him again, but they will always remember his efforts. As they hiked out of the canyon in the next days, one of the boys seemed to be hiking harder and faster than the rest, thus earning him the nick name of Floggart the Destroyer, this time as a human.

I hearby dedicate this edition of my blog to all the Floggarts out there...whether you work hard in school, at your job, or just strive to do your best at whatever you do. You see, here are countless men and women out there who do amazing things everyday...and we never give them the respect the deserve, just like this little beetle out in the desert. There are people out there across the ocean fighting for causes that are so diluted that no one is sure what's going on, but they stick to it. There are people out there working through the night to keep your lights on and your home secure. There are people out there that work all day at jobs that no one would want, but have to be done nonetheless - trash collectors, street sweepers, night stockers at the supermarket. They all work to make everyone's life a little easier and more enjoyable, and I don't think they get nearly enough credit.

That being said, I'd like to share a story of a man who has lived up to his potential, even at 97 years old.

George Moyse, of Great Britain is believed to be the worlds oldest person to complete a 120 mph skydive at 10,000 ft. Mr. Moyse will be turning 98 on Wednesday. Even at his age he says, "I do not sit around, I get about, I go for a walk every day and I do my own cooking, washing, ironing, everything. I have just been lucky to be so agile." This is an awesome attitude for anyone in my opinion, especially someone that has lived nearly a century. He did the jump to raise money for charity and ended up liking it very much. He claims that he wasn't in the least bit scared and has decided to do another jump for his 100th birthday. I think this just goes to show that life is what you make it.

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSrL4YrIWv8
Story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7983045.stm

I for one can't even imagine living such a long life, let alone be able to provide for myself at that age, let alone skydive. Actually, I can't imagine skydiving period. I really want to do it someday though. :D

Now for some depressing news.

Recently in Magnolia, AK, a woman started a brawl at a funeral service when another attendee allegedly walked in carrying a can of beer. Anna Sindelar, who is 52 years old, and Cynthia Hall, 46, are facing third-degree assault and battery charges after Sindelar marched into the service as mentioned above and refused to leave. She then supposedly grabbed a mans face, leaving bloody scratches, and Hall, who apparently was the man's mother, slapped her. Hall then went on to kick another woman in the chest. The police report ironically claims that Ms. Sindelar became very passive aggressive and said, "no backwood country cop" was going to take her to jail.
More here.

In other news, I went to Windsor this weekend to see my family. My mom and sister and brother were in the area looking at colleges and stuff. (My sister is probably going to go CSU. Grr.) I also got to go birthday shopping with my mom, which was waaaay cool. I got a lifetime membership to REI as well as a new camp stove and a compact rain jacket. I'm pretty stoked. :) Click here to see my new stuff: Stove, Jacket.

I got back here today and got settled in...went to dinner...and then my friends threw me a surprise birthday party!!! It was so exciting!!! My friend Katie made me a cake!!! It was sooo good!!! I'm putting exclamation points on everything!!! Exclamation points!!! WOO HOO!!!

Okay. Enough of that.

Anyway, I don't really have much more to report for now.

But I have one other question...Do any of you want to hear the rest of the Grand Canyon story? Leave me comment and let me know.

I love you all...
