
Muffy's slow and painful death.

A vaca foi pro brejo

The above blog is sweet, just so you know.

Hey all,

Tonight I sit here in my yellow and blue plaid boxers and write to you on the events of my day...first off, I would like to say that if you are a bicyclist that chooses to ride his/her bicycle through large crowds of people, you should die. Okay, well not die, but you should start calling out directions. I mean, I was walking to class today, just minding my own business, merrily strolling along to Spanish, when I was clipped in the left forearm by some idiot on his bike. I had no idea he was even there, and had he chosen to say something as simple as, "On your left!" I would have been spared endless amounts of unbearable pain and suffering. I should have gotten the bastards info so I could sue him. Oh well.

In other news, I would like to announce that I have begun running again. As many college freshman do, I've gained a little poundage, and frankly, I don't like it. I named my gut Muffy. You may say, "WTF? Why did you name your gut of all things Muffy?" I will tell you this: A long time ago, when I ran cross country, I had a coach who is probably one of the wisest men on the face of the planet. He always told us that if we were feeling pain while running, or felt like something was holding us back from running to the best of our potential, that we needed to give this pain or other outside force a name. This makes it more tangible, and therefore more manageable. Once your opponent has a face, a name, or a personality, you are one step closer to defeating it. This is the case with Muffy. I am going to kill her by running her to death.

I only tell you all this because I had a very inspirational talk tonight with my friend Hannah. Basically she told me to do what makes me happy, and well, this is it. Thank you Hannah!

The runs have been going okay so far. The first day was quite painful. I thought I was going to die via violent explosion of some sort, for example: my heart/lungs/other internal organs all just popping simultaneously and me falling to the ground as if being riddled with bullets. This feeling has dissipated as I continue to run, so I think it will all be okay.

While still on that note, thank you to everyone that encourages me in my fight with Muffy. Mom, you're the best. You sent me Yaktrax so I can run in the snow...Sydney, you just give me so much crap that I want to do it all the more (***clarification: Sydney is far more encouraging than anything else...she actually gives me crap about complaining about being fat, something I shouldn't do, not for bieng fat)...Pat and Chris...after that day you came with me, I realized just how out of shape I really am. You guys have provided me a marker. Katie...you just know what to say all the time. So thanks to you too.

Well, other than the epic running stories (not) I guess the only other news I have for today is that Chris restocked the freeze pops. I appreciate those tasty little snacks. Thank you Chris.

Oh, also, tonight for dinner we had prime rib and mashed potatoes and yams and all kinds of really great stuff. Just so you know that sometimes dorm food is really okay...

Well anyway, I think I'll go to bed now. I have to get up and paint in the morning.

So till tomorrow night,

Bye. Have fun. Don't die.
