
Today's Observations

Hey all,

Well, for those of you who don't know, I'm home on winter break. I've been working and whatnot, and visiting the family. Christmas this year was wonderful, and I'm glad to have been home.

Here are some observations from today:

1. German automotive engineering is a pain in the ass. I don't care who you are, the fact remains.
1.5 It's always nice to have a friend there to help you deal with your German automotive engineering.

2. Cold air is unpleasant whilst running any kind of distance, as are thick woodsmoke and dryer vents blasting the smell of approx. 16,000 dryer sheets.

3. Chicken fried steak sandwiches probably aren't the best thing in the world to eat, but they sure do taste good.

4. Being home is a good thing, even if you do happen to live in Pagosa Springs.

5. This is the last time I'll blog this year, which means another bracket will be added to my previous posts section. Oh boy.
5.5 Upon reflection, this 2008 has been quite the year. I ran my last cross country race, I attended my last student council meeting, and I graduated from high school altogether. I started college and met some of the most wonderful people in the whole world. I finally felt like having a girlfriend again was an okay thing. I found out that I want to teach, not do. (Just kidding.) 2008 has been really great. Thank you, all of you, who have made it so. Mom, Dad, Ashley, Michael...Thanks for the support during this big change in my life. Pat, Katie, Hannah, Chris, Taylor, Demetrius - I'm glad we all somehow found each other. Sydney - Thanks for listening to me rant about hospitals, world religion, and the war on terror for six hours the first time I met you. Things wouldn't be quite so cheery in my life right now otherwise.

I hope to be a little more faithful with my blogging this next year. In fact, along with my running, I officially resolve to blog at least three times a week for the year of 2009. Amen.

I hope you all are well and still enjoy my ramblings to some extent.

Happy New Year to you and yours.


The kids at CU will understand this:

Here's to 2008!!!

We made it this far....

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