

Hello all,

Well, this year so far has been full of work.
But that's okay.
I like money.

So today at work, I was cashiering, and well, this one customer in particular really sort of irritated me. She was an older woman from Texas, which is bad enough as it is, but she requested that I put her two giant sacks of tortilla chips in paper bags. This request was in no way a bad thing, but then she refused to put the chips on the belt with the rest of her food. She held them in the air and very gingerly handed them to me for me to scan one at a time. She then took them back from me directly, and put each one in there own paper bag. This was so odd to me that she was so concerned that I was going to smash her chips that she went to such great lengths to take care of them like a pair of twin infants with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, you know, that brittle bone disease?
Well, you may think that I'm being dumb, but to end this story, after treating me like the most incompetent idiot on the face of the planet, to the point that she felt she couldn't trust me with her damn chips, she placed a bag full of cans on top of the chips.
I don't think you need any further explanation.

In other news, it's been snowing quite feverishly all day, which is very welcome since our town is sort of dependant on the ski economy, but it's really not fun to drive in with other people around. I've had a few discussions with my friend Chance about this, and we've concluded that even though we all (us Coloradans that is) give Texans so much crap about their driving, it's actually better to drive with them in the snow in many cases. All of the Coloradans are way to aggressive, and it can cause issues many times.

Well, I suppose that's all for tonight.

In closing may I say that I really miss all my friends in Boulder, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon!


Here's a video for you:

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