

Hey all,

So, you know that woman that's been all over the news lately, known as Octo-Mom? Well, this last weeks news was flooded with reports of a possible Octo-Mom adult film! That's just about the grossest thing I've ever heard! Anyway, it would seem that Nadya Suleman (Octo-Mom's real name) was approached by major porn distributor Vivid entertainment and offered one-million dollars to shoot an adult film. If she were to become a contract girl, meaning she would appear in multiple films, she would also be ensured full health and dental insurance for her and her family.

I sat here reading this and was sort of disturbed. Here's what went through my head:

1. Who wants to see that woman naked in the first place?
2. Who is willing to pay her for that? Is this some kind of circus?
3. Come on lady, I know you're used to having 8 people inside of you, but that's just too much.

And then I quickly vomited and moved on.

Just a random side note: it's nearly time for me to turn in my scholarship applications and my sister won't e-mail me some documents I requested about a month ago to help boost my resume. This is making me very irritated.

Also, in other news, earlier in the month, a man named Dustin Dibble (poor guy) was awarded $2.3 million dollars because he got drunk, fell into some train-tracks, and got his leg ran over. His lawyer blamed the train operator, saying that he should have seen that it was a man in the tracks, as well as people are more prone to drinking at night, so he should have been watching out. In my opinion Dustin Dibble is stupid. This man in no way deserves any sort of compensation for his missing limbs. I think he deserves to suffer the consequences of his own actions, something many Americans now-a-day do not/do not have to do. To all of those Dustin Dibbles out there, OWN UP!

Along other lines, I'm sad to say that last Friday the Rocky Mountain News said goodbye to Colorado and all of its faithful readers. Since its first publication in Cherry Creek on April 23, 1859, the Rocky reported on issues local, state-wide, and federal, giving it's readers a view to the world beyond the surrounding peaks. The paper produced it's final edition on February 27th just 55 days before its 150th birthday. This closure has affected many people, not only in the heart of the business, but even those who simply read the paper. My grandparents received it. I read it at work almost daily throughout the summers. Unfortunately, Sydney's dad works for the paper...and her family has had to witness this tragedy from the inside out. I wish you the best, Tanner family.

Well, I was told that I should include a happy story in my blog if I'm going to re-report news. And this is one I thought was just splendid. Apparently a man by the name of Stuart Stemple mixed up a happy batch of food coloring, vegetable oil, and dish-soap, then using helium, he made tons (2000 or more) of little pink floating smiley faces and released them over London. Stemple is a 28 year old artist and he said of his "Happy Cloud": “I just wanted to make a piece of work that could cheer people up a bit. I’ve had enough of the doom and gloom in the air and I wanted to show something completely positive floating up in the sky.”

This is a photo of one of the "Happy Faces."

As for my own personal life, I've been very busy lately with scholarships, Spanish class, and the like. I keep having this recurring realization that college isn't High School. It sort of catches me off-guard every now and then...ugh.

I was just telling some friends about a part-time job I held one summer along with my grocery store adventures. I worked for the Trout Worm company packaging worms. I basically sat in my friend Josh's garage for hours on end and put worms in small cups, filled them with dirt, weighed them, and put a labeled lid on them. It was a pretty boring job. And oh how slimy. Sorry, that was random, but I thought you might like to hear about it.

Now I'm going to take a moment and mention a few people that are here with me.

1. Jack - He lives on the other end of the hall. He is short and has a beard. He's one of the few people I know that has a decent tattoo.
2. Adam - Crazy kid. He rides his bike into my door quite frequently. He also has a beard...that somehow fades down into his t-shirt and becomes a giant man-wig-thing that sort of scares me. His belly-button is a hairy pit of doom that threatens to suck in every piece of stray lint in the surrounding area. It also breeds small trolls who go on to do Travelocity commercials with the gnome. He lives next to Jack.
3. Karl - I think Karl eats too many yams. But that's a personal choice.

I'll tell you more about the guys I live with soon.

Anyway, that's about it for this week. Its been a good time with Mardi Gras, some tests, etc. I hope all of you have had a good weekend so far, and I'll talk to you soon.



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