
Poetry, camping, etc...

Hey all,

I have a few things to tell you. Firstly, I have joined a blog that was previously unadvertised to the public to this one. It is for Lucid Dreams Inkorporated, a blog I started under the pen name Darwin Cosk. It was dedicated primarily to my poetry, and I have since decided to declassify it primarily because I'm working on getting some of my poetry published, so I can't really have my work out there under two names, if you know what I mean. The link for this blog is here: http://ldink.blogspot.com/.

Alright, with that said, lets do an update:

This past week I went home for spring break. I had a really really good time. I worked a lot on my car and that sort of stuff. Unfortunately, my parents had to leave for a family emergency and I spent most of my break at home alone. That was okay though, I spent some time with my grandparents, which was good. I also didn't work at my crappy job at the supermarket either, so that was good too. The big epiphany for me while being home was the fact that I really miss where I come from. Forrest and I were driving home from a camping trip, which in itself was wonderful, but as we drove, I noticed a man driving the other way in an old crappy truck. He had a gun rack in the back window full of rifles and fishing poles. I had a startling realization (sort of in contrast to the previous post) that while I immensely enjoy living in Boulder, I really miss my redneck heritage sometimes. I mean, I come from a place where I can go out with my fishing pole pretty much no matter what season and fish pretty much wherever I like. I can go shoot giant guns out in the woods and no one really cares. I can camp wherever, whenever. It is one of the best places on the planet. We get a lot of crap for being hicks, but here's what I think: Sure you drive a European import, but can you fix it? Yeah, you might own an Italian leather sports jacket, but have you ever worn leather boots? Or shall I put it like this: you go to a tanning bed, I go outside. You have beautiful smog induced sunsets, we have clean living at a high elevation. All in all, I am happy to live in Boulder, but I must say that I am dang proud to have come here from a little place called Pagosa Springs, CO.

Anyway, to tell you more about the aforementioned camping trip, basically Forrest and I went down to the Navajo Lake area for a one-nighter. It was an awesome time. It just got really cold. Probably down below twenty degrees. But that's okay. Camping is camping, no matter how you put it. And yes Lissa, I made sure not to go alone...just for you. :)

So, now I'm back at school, doing what I do. Study, eat, blog, stuff like that...you know. So what's in the news today...?

Here's a good one for ya: A woman deliberately blocked the entrance to the driveway she shared with her neighbor, prohibiting the ambulance that was taking said neighbor to the hospital to receive medical attention for his severe chest pain. The man ended up dying an hour later. The background here goes like this: 62 year old Malcolm Burdett was being wheeled out of his house on a stretcher when Gillian Birdsall, the man's neighbor, pulled into the driveway, blocking the ambulance that was to take him away. When asked to move her car, she sarcastically asked, "Has anyone died?" That was all she had to say, and well, she didn't move her car for ten minutes. This caused the man to die. I hate people who do things like this. Basically, she is being charged with his death. She is fighting the claim, and it looks like the case will go on for a long time. More here.

In happier news, my hair has gotten so long that my friends don't recognize me. Boo.

Anyway, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. You all have a good night and what not.


Oh yes, this is what I learned about in physics class today. Listen to the noise this guy makes with this throat. It's trippy.

And also, I want to make a dedication to my cousin and good friend Sheridan who seems to be having some car trouble. Let's hope it doesn't get this bad. I wish you all the luck in the world cuz!


Why dynamite fishing is bad...

Hey all,

Well, as stated in my last post, I'm home. Pagosa is just the same as ever...small and boring, but full of friends and familiar faces. Instead of working at the store, I've been doing some odd jobs for family and friends...as well as a lot of work on my car. So that's all been fun.

I must apologize for the lack of posts recently, but I got home, and CenturyTel seemed to be having some issues, so I didn't finish off last week. To fill you in, basically all that happened was after my giant midterm of doom on Wednesday, the week just slowly petered out and by the time Friday rolled around, I was ready to head home. Saturday I left relatively early and met Forrest half ways...about Poncha Springs. Let me recommend something to you - If you are ever in the Salida area, DO NOT eat at the Windmill Bar and Grill. It was overpriced and not too quality. And the fact that it's in Salida is just bad enough.

Okay...fun news time.

So, apparently it's a pretty common, although illegal practice in Vietnam to fish with dynamite. It actually sounds pretty fun to me, but yesterday things went very wrong for 4 Vietnamese fishermen. They looked over the edge of their boat to find large bubbles coming up from below and assumed it was a big ol' fishy. In response,they dumped some lit TNT overboard and after the explosion the went under to find their catch. After careful examination, they found that they had not killed a giant fish, but in fact it was a diver. This is why fishing with dynamite is stupid and illegal. More here.

What else....

Oh yes, I was talking to my dear cousin Sheridan today about the web service Twitter...and I came across an article that reviewed a new curriculum for schools in Britain. Basically, instead of history and literature and the like, the plan is to teach kids to use web sites like Wikipedia, how to tweet on Twitter, blog, and make podcasts. Sex education would be completely compulsory, and children as young as nine would be taught about making informed decisions about drugs and alcohol. English will be eliminated, and "media texts" will take over, meaning emails, IMs, Tweets, and Wikis. I'm not sure how to react to this. Leave me comments. More here.

In other news, yesterday a woman was ticketed by police when she stopped her car to resuscitate her severely disabled son on the way to the hospice. She had stopped to help little Freddie who has a breathing disorder and the police pulled up, issued a ticket for the traffic impediment...and Freddie recovered as the ticket was issued. What a crock. More here.

Lastly, I have come across another story about an Italian brain surgeon who had a heart attack while performing a brain surgery. Instead of stopping like a normal person and grabbing his chest, falling down and gasping a bunch, he continued on and successfully performed the life saving surgery. Props to you, Mr. Italian Brain Surgeon. More here.

Anyway, I think that's it for tonight. I'll catch you again soon. :D


Watch Ms. Scarlet fall down. It's funny.


Hey all,

The Internet situation at home has been sort of spotty lately.
I DID not break my new years resolution, there have just been extenuating circumstances that have prohibited me from updating you on my life.

So, to counteract this, I promise to update you all very soon.

Thanks for the patience. Not that anyone cares.




Catch up time...sort of.

Hey all,

So it's been quite the week and I haven't had time to blog recently. Fortunately for you though, that means you'll get a new post tomorrow and the next day!!!

Here's what I've been up to:

Sunday: My alternator crapped out in Golden while visiting Chance. That really sucked. I had to leave my car there for the night in a liquor store parking lot, and limp it back to Boulder the next day.

Monday: Had class all day as usual, but spent the afternoon getting my car back here. A special thanks to Chris for the help.

Tuesday: Installed the new alternator. It was a big pain in the butt as the alternator is located directly under my rather large AC unit. Oh boy. Then I had class. I spent the evening in the library doing a theatre paper, a Spanish composition and a 12 page study guide. Barf.

Wednesday: Took a history midterm. Kicked it's butt. Then more class.

Thursday: Class all day, but now I can relax. Here I am. :D

Anyway, after tomorrow's classes, I'm home free. Literally. I'm coming home to Pagosa Springs on Saturday. I'm very excited. :D

That's all I've got for tonight. I'll gather some funny news stuff for tomorrow.

Have a good night and enjoy this offensive comedy.

Love to you all.




Mary sings.

Hey all,

I just want you to know that I feel like this girl sometimes.

Have a good day.

I'll post later.



Personal update.

Hey all,

Well, it's been a while since we talked about anything but news, so this post is just going to be about me. :)

So, firstly, I want to tell you that the newest beta version of Safari is a wonderful thing. I have a PC, but I still use it as my dominant browser. My friend Pat turned me onto it the other day, and I absolutely love it. It has pretty much all the same features as the latest beta version of Internet Explorer, but it's just way cooler. If you'd like to check it out, click here.

I also found this really wonderful candy at Walmart the other day. It's called Reese's Whoppers! They are pretty yummy.

Also, I just want to tell all of you that have concerns for my newly gained college weight, I have lost some of it. Muffy, as I've been calling the separate entity that is my gut, has shrank lately and that's a good thing. I've been trying to eat smarter and run when I can, and it's slowly but surely paying off. :)

What else...

Oh yes, school. School is going very well. Last week I had two giant midterms, one of which I've gotten back, and got a B on, and the other is still in the air. We'll see. Let me tell all of my readers who are still in high school: COLLEGE IS HARD!!! I just thought you should know. And while I'm on that line...here are some other things you might find valuable:

1. Never pass up a free t-shirt. Even if it's too big. You can always use it as a rag later if you don't like it.

2. Never pass up coupons for free food. You will use them. I promise.

2.5 Get a junk e-mail account and sign up with all the restaurants in your area so they give you free stuff on your birthday.

3. Getting help from a friend or a tutor is never bad. Don't let pride get in the way of getting good grades. I learned that the hard way.

4. Getting a little crazy now and then is a good thing, just don't let partying dominate your life.

5. Make friends with your RA. They have lots of resources and knowledge that they can share with you.

6. DO NOT CHEAT. It gets you no where, and while it may work, it always comes back to bite you in the ass.

7. Stay in touch with your parents. They love you and want the best for you. It's easy to forget about them, but keep them updated. (That's half the reason I run a blog :D )

8. Gaining weight is a traumatizing experience. I would know. Just don't let it get you down if you become victim of the freshman 15. Late night studying is always made better with a pizza or something, but consider the alternatives too...Oh and exercise never hurts. :)

9. Having fun is important, and there will be many fun things to do, on and off campus, but school always needs to come first. Procrastination will kill you every time, and so will rushing through work just so you can do something else. This is the rest of your life you're forming here...take the extra 10 minutes and make that paper worth it.

10. Money management is very important. Whether you have a job, live off student loans, or get an allowance from your parents, be careful what you do with your money. It's not something, especially in our economy, to take for granted. I work when I go home, and supplement my spending with the student loan refunds I receive, but I also have started paying back my student loans.

All in all, there just needs to be balance in everything. Financials, school work, parties...they all are part of college and you need to regulate them.

Okay, enough of that.

This week has been very good. I've had some down time to catch up on homework and study for my next midterm, which is this coming Wednesday. After that, it's Spring Break!!! I'm going back home to work at good ol City Market and make a couple bucks.

Really, that's life for right now.

I might do a news recap later, but we'll see. Do you guys even like that?

Let me know.




Hey all,

I don't have much time tonight, but I wanted to leave you with this.

"LEXINGTON PARK, Md. (WUSA) - A Southern Maryland woman was seriously injured in a mishap involving a sex toy over the weekend. The case was first reported on BayNet.com, and Saint Mary's county public safety sources confirm the information to 9NEWS NOW.

The accident was reported to local fire and rescue personnel about 1:30 a.m. on March 7, from an address on Rogers Drive. The man who made the 911 call said he had placed a sex toy over a saber saw blade, and then used the power tool on his partner, but the blade cut through the plastic and injured the woman.

The victim, a 27-year-old woman, was reportedly injured and bleeding. She was flown to Prince George's hospital center by Maryland State Police.

County law enforcement officials who were familiar with the media report about this case said although they were not initially called to investigate the incident, they would likely follow up to determine it was just an accident and involved consentual behavior."

Written by Bill Starks
9NEWS NOW & wusa9.com

I just couldn't resist.
However messed up it my sound.

You all have a good night.


Oh, and since this edition seems to be so inappropriate, here's this too:


Dirty mouth? Clean it up with ($500 worth of) Orbit!

Hey all,

Tonight I come to you from Frisco, Colorado, again at Chris's condo. Tomorrow I'm going to go snowboarding, and it's gonna be fun. Anyway, here's some news I found interesting: (I've decided to start giving a link for all of you who would like to follow up on any given story and see it in it's pure form, untainted of my point of view.)

Earlier in the week I came across a report concerning a man named Angel Galvan-Hernandez, a Seattle local. Apparently the under five foot tall man plead guilty to two counts of rape, both taking place at Myrtle Edwards park. In short, Angel is being sentenced to 20 years in the clink, but he is currently trying to appeal this sentence for one that is even harsher: the death penalty. It seems that his worst fear is to be raped in jail. I found this to be quite ironic. In my opinion, give the guy what he deserves and let the little man get raped in prison. He stated that he would rather die a thousand times than be raped in prison. He claims to have been sexually assaulted many times as a youngster in the streets of Mexico, and while he wants to pay for the crime, he does not want the same treatment.
Find more here.

My next report involves a man who cannot spell and looks like an all-around ass. Larry Ford is a property owner on Beal Parkway, a high traffic area, in Florida. He uses the traffic to further his point of view, and also tends to fly a large confederate flag in his front yard for all to see. Lately, he's been putting signs in the ground facing the road proclaiming "January 20th, 2009 - A day of Darkness" with the large word "Hussen" below it. Yes, I spelled that how he spelled it. He hates President Obama, and commonly refers to him as Hussein, but as you can see, he failed to spell it right.

When it was brought to Ford's attention that he misspelled the president's middle name he said this: "I think everybody knows who I'm talking about, don't you? American people are the stupidest people in the world, but something like that I think they can figure out."

I want for people like this to have their constitutional right of free speech revoked. And that's all I have to say.

In recent news, it has been released that the US Armed Forces do not support "Bring your kid to work day." I think that's okay when you have to go to Iraq for work. :)

My last story is sort of stupid. A 21-year-old named Kenneth McManus was released from jail on $500 bond after stealing over $500 worth of gum from grocery stores in his near vicinity. Initially it was a $75 theft from a pharmacy...and then $200 worth from his hometown supermarket in Stratford, Ct...and the last straw was when he was caught on surveillance cameras stealing individual packs from a Fairfield supermarket. The total was just over $500, and all of it was chewing gum. All I could think while reading this is, "What...the...f***?"
Find more here.

Anyhow, I think that's all I've got for tonight. I might make a post tomorrow...but we'll see. Goodnight everyone.


Here's your entertainment for tonight.


No iPhone?

Hey all,

So, I'm thinking this blog is starting to become pretty much a rendition of how I feel about world news on a weekly basis, and I sort of like that theme. I get the feeling that it's probably more entertaining to some of you than reading about my unremarkable college life. So here goes:

Since we've last spoken, the earth was almost thrown into apocalyptic doom by an asteroid. Now you may be asking yourself, "Why did I not know about this?" Well, don't feel bad, most of the world didn't know either. At about 9:00 last night, an asteroid named 2009 DD45 nearly hit the earth just west of Tahiti. The body of the asteroid was about 200 feet across, and while this may seem trivial, it would have hit the earth with the same force as a large nuclear weapon detonation, and would have devastated most of the Pacific region of the world with huge tidal waves. The odd part of the story, and why no one knew till late last night, is that an Australian astronomer named Robert McNaught detected the asteroid's presence on Friday and basically didn't tell anyone. The initial calculations said that it was actually going to hit us, but low and behold, it did not. Thanks for the warning Bob. It missed us by about 40,000 miles, which is about 1/7 of the distance from here to the moon, and about twice the distance that satellites orbit at. This may seem like a huge distance, but in astronomical terms, it's actually extremely close. Oh well. We're not dead. I suppose that's what's important. The conflicting report states that McNaught said after the fact that the asteroid was "nothing to worry about." I'll let you decide.

In other news, AIG, you know, that giant company that seems to insure everything in the whole world, and the government bailed out with our tax money? Yeah? Well, they lost a crap-load of money again today. This time it was $61.7 billion. The government response to this is probably going to be to give them even more money. I find myself asking, "Why does this company have customers? What if something they insure actually fails? Will they have any money left to compensate?" Of course this is all after the corporate jet debacle. What a crock. I know I tend to be liberal, but you Republicans have a point when you say the government needs to stay out of business. Screw AIG. Let them fail. I don't care who's assets are wrapped up in it, obviously somebody is doing something wrong. Let them take the fall.

What else has happened recently...

Oh yes. More police brutality. Just watch this.

Now, the story behind this is, as you can see, the girl, who by the way is 15, is led into her cell, and before the officers leave, she kicks off her shoe at one of them. This leads to her subsequent beating, or as the new internet slang goes, she got "Chris Browned." The video pretty much speaks for itself. This was released yesterday, and the report the officer filed today said that the shoe caused him "bleeding," "pain," and "bruising." He was also offended that the girl called him and his partner "Fat pigs." Now, my take on this is that guy had some pent up rage going on for that to happen and that girl would have had to have been a 500 pound NFL lineman wearing steel-toed boots in order to cause that much "suffering" to a grown man.

Just a little snippet I found this evening: Bill Gates has gone as far as to ban iPhones and iPods in his Washington home. His wife just recent revealed this news to Vouge magazine, and apparently it's sort of upsetting to his kids. Boo hoo. I don't have an iPhone either.

Well, that's all I found interesting today.

As for the personal update, my week is fairly busy...I have two midterms on Friday and I've been studying and doing homework, and so forth and so on. That's my life.

Well, here's your entertainment for tonight.

Oh, and I'd also like to thank all of you who voted on the layout poll. The current layout is going to stay till I get sick of it. :D

Beyond that, thank you as well for your continued support. It means a lot.
