

Hey all,

Since yesterday morning at 12:01 AM, not much has changed in my life. I still have a bald spot on my shin, and I'm still catching up on sleep. I did play racquet ball last night with Lissa and Meghan, which was fun...and I went for a Muffy killer today...anyway, let me share with you some observations:

For one, I recently discovered how the custodial staff cleans our communal bathroom here at Smith Hall. This may seem insignificant, but after being either interrupted during my morning routine, or just straight up barred from it, I have started to notice a few things about how this cleaning is done. For one, they don't actually scrub anything. They simply mix up a bucket of bleach water, dump it all over everything, literally everything, minus the ceiling, and then open the windows to let it dry. Sometimes, depending on who is cleaning that day, they'll squeegee out the shower stalls and the floor, but half the time it's just wet when you walk in. Honestly, if I had to clean a bathroom that 13-20 male college students use on a day to day basis, I would probably do something quite similar...the catch here is that this task seems to require two people to complete. What this really means is one of the custodial women will being sort of cleaning whilst shouting in Spanish to her cleaning partner, who is conveniently located out in the hall, sitting on the floor, texting. Said partner will not move when you have to go down the hall to go to class either. On top of that, there is a large custodial cart sitting there as well, with a million broom/mop handles sticking out of it at every angle possible, so you have to step over the lazy custodian as you weave past the cart with your overbearing backpack on, which always gets snagged on something sticking out of the cart of course. This is a daily routine for the most part, and it always seems to happen when I want to take a shower or brush my teeth...no matter what time of the morning.

Oh, also, these custodians like to come and do the monthly vacuum at about 6:30 AM, usually on a Wednesday. Normally I can sleep through something like a vacuum, but when they slam it into your door fifty or so times, it gets quite irritating. One time I thought it was someone knocking, so I got out of bed in my underwear and opened the door to find a surprised cleaning lady. She then ran the vacuum into my toe. It sucked.

I know it seems I put a lot of effort into this rant, and on the flip-side, I am lucky to not have to clean my own bathroom, or vacuum my hall, but if my school is going to insist upon offering the cleaning service, and pay for it with my tuition, I would like to see that people aren't just sitting around in the hall texting. It irritates me. It seems callous of me, but come on! Do your job instead of stealing my money!

Just another observation: I just got done with laundry, and I never really thought about how much black clothing I wore until I emptied the lint screen. Normal people's clothes leave behind nice normal, sort of gray, innocent looking lint, whereas mine leaves behind lint as black as night. Sheesh.

Okay, what else...Oh, I have other news! I have determined my living arrangements for next year! I'm going to be living with my aforementioned friends, Lissa and Meghan. I'm pretty excited about it too. I know some of you will think that it's gonna be weird for me living with two girls, but I think it'll be awesome!

Well, anyway...I think that's about it for tonight.

Please click the poll to the right. ---->

This is my entertainment for you all...
This is the only version of the song that should ever be played in my opinion.

Have a jolly,




Hey all,

So I just wanted to tell you a little about last night. To start with, I don't really remember doing my homework. I fell asleep at some point at my desk, woke up in my bed, visited my girlfriend around midnight, tried to sleep, but couldn't till 3 AM, and to top it all off, I woke up scratching my shin about 5 AM. I now have a bald spot on said shin. Oh, and I didn't realize my homework was done till I went to class today. It was a very odd feeling.

Anyway, more on this week later.

Have a good night.



For real this time...

Hey all,

It's about 1:30 PM on Sunday. I'm sitting here in my Batman pj's and having a bit of breakfast. How lazy of me. Oh well.

So, the last two posts were lame. Here is a summary of last weeks events and observations:

Picking up on Wednesday...Wednesday was pretty bland. I just had class all day.

Thursday brought more class, but after dinner, I went over to Meghan and Lissa's room and played Mario Cart for about 3 hours. It was a blast, not to mention a good break from the grind. Also, Lissa earned a new nickname: Toad. I suggest you ask her about it.

Friday night I was supposed to go to the X-Games, but I didn't want to spend money on a room, and besides, it was good to have some time with Sydney. Anyway, for dinner, I went over to my friend Casey's house and had some tasty homemade waffles, skillet potatoes, and bacon. It was a great meal compared to icky dorm food.

As for Saturday, I slept late, just as I promised I would, cleaned my room, did some homework and spent the evening with Sydney. After that, I had a late dinner at Chipotle with Chance which was excellent, and met a new friend Allie. It was a good night.

Basically, it was a pretty uneventful week.

So, random observations:

The sludge that comes out of the orange juice machine in the dining hall is best cut with some cranberry juice.

The Boss & Co. shotgun that Ernest Hemingway used to kill himself was purchased through Abercrombie and Fitch, which at the time was a huge retailer of excursion goods and distributor of firearms. Moral of this story? Don't buy Abercrombie and Fitch.

While I'm on that train of thought, I should tell you all that Hollister, California, the locale for which the clothing company is named is actually the garlic capital of the world. Every time you wear your brightly colored, overpriced, preppy little Hollister Co. t-shirt, you are actually advertising for garlic.

And I just gotta say, what is up with Virginia Tech? I mean no offense, but that place has to be the scariest college in the United States. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, last week a 22 year old grad student from Beijing named Xin Yang was brutally attacked and decapitated with a large kitchen knife by a man she knew named Haiyang Zhu, who was from Ningbo, China. The event took place in a student life center. My heart goes out to those affected by this tragedy, and all those who attend Virginia Tech. Those people have withstood a lot pain and suffering as a school in the past 10 months, and I hope that nothing of this magnitude ever happens again at the renowned school.

Well, never to end things on a sour note, here is some entertainment:

Now you guys all have a good day.


Oh well...

Hey all,

Ulike what was promised, I have to tell you everything tomorrow. My bad.



Oh well...

Hey all,

Ulike what was promised, I have to tell you everything tomorrow. My bad.




Hey all,

Just leaving a quick note to tell you all that after I sleep away the majority of tomorrow morning, I'll be bringing you a review of this weeks activities, etc.

Also, any of my readers that are not aware: Forrest Rackham got a new phone, so he needs you to text him with your name and number. That way he gets all your numbers back.

Do it.



He'll save children, but not the British children...

Hey all,

Well, this is the first blog of the week.
What a week it's been so far...wow.

I think I need to stop opening everything I informally write with the word "well" but that's just a thought.

So here's my week so far:

Sunday: I slept in late after a night of holding a friends hair while she puked in the toilet. After my initial awakening, I saw my friends Chance and Ginny off (they had stayed the night here after our concert adventures, which I should probably tell you about too), then I went to late breakfast at IHOP with Sydney and my best friend Forrest. I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank his wonderful girlfriend for sharing him for the weekend, and also for the use of her GPS...so thank you Aliya! Alright...so...Bowling For Soup just came on and it's throwing me off...new paragraph then.

Okay. After Forrest headed out, I took my car to the car-wash and then went to a movie with Sydney. We saw My Bloody Valentine 3D and it was terrible. Well, other than when this guy got hit in the back of the skull with a pick-axe and the end came out his eye socket with his eyeball attached to it. You may think that's gross, but in 3D, it looked really cool.

Monday I had no class, so I slept in again, which was quite blissful, had lunch with Lissa, and lazed around for a bit. Then Chris and I went for a hike. We picked one out of this awesome book that my uncle Aaron got me for Christmas that's full of hikes in the Boulder area. We chose to visit Mallory Cave, which is at the top of the Flatirons and is full of bat poop. It was pretty cool. To see pictures, visit:

This Dandy Link

That pretty much capped off the day...till Sydney came over. She had had a root canal earlier in the day, so I got her some sushi (one of her favorite foods) and we hung out over here and took it easy. It was a wonderful day, not to mention it was MLK day, which of course makes everything better.

Today was a history maker of course. If you don't know what happened today, you suck.

For anyone who missed it, this is President Obama's inauguration speech. I got up extra special early to watch it, and if I could do it, you have no excuse.

So now I should take this time to make good on my promises of further elaboration on a couple of topics. One being the concert I keep making reference to, and the other being that bread crust thing. Here we go:

Concert: As previously mentioned, I attended a 3OH!3 concert last Friday night. The show was awesome, and I had a really good time. The real story starts after the show though...Forrest and I were very hungry, so we left our sleepy comrades back at the hotel and began a hunt for some pizza. We ended up at a Papa John's just down the street from our hotel. I need to stop and mention to you that we were situated on Colfax avenue in Denver, Colorado. This is a sketchy place for two skinny white kids. Anyway, the Papa John's had stopped carry out service at 10 PM and it was about 1 in the morning...so we didn't really know what to do. Fortunately for us, one of the associates came outside and explained that he had a "street vendors licence" and he would gladly sell us a pizza if we waited out here on the scary dark curb. Needless to say, we accepted this offer, and began to wait. During this wait, we had a drug deal, or something suspiciously reminiscent of a drug deal go down about two feet away from us, which ended with a Hispanic couple screaming at an African American man who appeared to be very strung out, and the source of whatever was being obtained...we were pretty freaked out. Eventually they left and the wait resumed.

Next we watched a very obviously drunk man walk up the sidewalk at about 4 feet per minute. That's 240 feet an hour. He made his way to a bus stop where some woman promptly called the cops on him. As soon as the cops showed up, the man stood up and started groping around for something under his coat...I'm sure you can figure out what we might have been thinking...So as we prepared to be shot, the cop told the man to get down on the ground. The guy complied, and started singing to the sidewalk. It was actually pretty funny. Then the pizza came. We promptly left.

That's really all for the concert, so on we go to bread crust:

The other day at dinner, my girlfriend, Sydney, and I had a very interesting conversation about bread and it's tasty crust. First of all, you should know that she hates crust. So anyway, the basic premise of our conversation was this question: "Why did adults always tell us that bread crust was healthy/it would make our eyes sparkle or our hair curl/we should just eat it?" We discussed the fact that bread crust has no obviously heightened level of nutrition, and it will never make one's eyes sparkle, unless that is, it goes down the wrong way and you choke a little, thusly making you tear up. Well, here's the funny part of the story. I did some research on bread crust. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a crumb of bread crust has eight times the amount of cancer-fighting antioxidants as a crumb from another part of the slice. So I guess the moral of the story is eat your crust and you won't die a terrible death via a giant brain tumor.

Wow. This is the longest blog I've ever written here on blogspot.com. I hope you made it through the whole thing, and thanks for reading.

Have a good night.


P.S. Here is some entertainment...this is a video that my dear friend Victoria recommended to me. It's highly inappropriate, but it's funny. Also, since Obama made a direct quote from George Washington today, I thought this fit.

P.P.S. Please take a second to click the "Who are you?" poll over there on the right, just below the youtube box. Please.


Oh my...

Hey all,


I have to blog tonight so as not to break my stupid new years resolution.
Oh my.


I said "so" three times total now.

Anyway, to enlighten you on my recent events...here are the things you should know:

1. Instead of doing my third run this week, I played racquetball with my friends Lissa, Chris and Meghan. It was a grand time, and a good work out as well.

2. I attended another 3OH!3 concert last night. It was a blast, and again, it was also a good work out.

- For those of you who don't know about 3OH!3, they are a Boulder-based hip-hop band consisting of two guys that attended college here for awhile and have ended up being one of the most successful underground bands in a long time. I personally enjoy their music very much, even though hip-hop is not my first choice in music.

3. The other day my girlfriend and I had a very interesting conversation about bread crust. I'll elaborate later.

4. Tonight for dinner I had a "Jiffy Burger" at the Dark Horse. That means a burger with provolone, bacon, and Jiffy peanut butter. Let me tell you, it was tasty.

Well, anyway, here is another video for you.

Have a wonderful night.


So that I don't break my resolution...

Hey all,

It's been a busy week.
So because of that fact, I have to blog twice tonight.
At the moment, I'm getting ready to go to dinner.

Just so you all know, I went to another 3OH!3 concert last night, and well, it was nothing short of amazing.

But more on that later.

Dinner is calling my name.

Here is some entertainment.




Hey all,

Here I am, needing a shave, probably smelling bad, and very very awake on this Wednesday morning, January 14th, 2009. This week has been intense so far. Sunday didn't amount to much, other than a nice 2 mile run where my sweat froze, which I found to be quite irritating.

Monday I began my second semester of classes. This time around I have US History Since 1865, The Physics of Sound and Music, Spanish Two, and Intro to Theatre. Mondays consist of History, Theatre and Spanish. After class, I went for another run. It was not nearly as cold, and I enjoyed it immensely. While I'm on the topic, I'd like to share with you an observation that I've had ever since I started running: Everything is better when you're running. Some would say that everything is better when you're high, and well, it's the same concept. In running long distance, after a while, your body starts to believe that you are running from something, not running just for the sake of running. This causes mass amounts of endorphins to be released, and essentially your body becomes euphoric. You are high more or less by your own means. This sensation, being a natural instinct/survival tool, makes the world a little more sharp and real. All the sounds your hear while running are amplified, your own raw breathing, the singing birds, the traffic, it all makes a cacophony that is really quite pleasing and diverse. After running for a few miles, you start to feel no pain. It's a lot like floating. You can breathe easy again, your legs move like there is resistance being met, and you just fly. It's one of the best feelings that I know personally, and I just wanted to share that with you all who think I'm crazy for running.

Anyway, Tuesday classes go like this: Sound and Music back to back with Spanish. Then I'm done. The homework has been crazy lately too, with initial assignments in all my classes and 5-6 page worksheets in Spanish as well. It's gonna be a good semester.

Well, that's really all I have for this particular post, other than the video at the bottom, which is really quite funny. I stumbled across it the other day and I really enjoyed it.

Goodnight guys...(or good morning I suppose)




Hey all-

First off, I want you to know that oval shaped dill slices are amazing.
Actually, pickles in general are pretty good.

Sorry. That was random.

Well, my thoughts for today involve the expenses involved in going to college. First of all, why do books have to cost so much? I myself only spent $90 this semester, but that's because I bought all used books that are probably falling apart over the Internet. As for the folks that purchase their books from the campus book store, they might spend upwards of $300. I don't think this is fair. My friend Chris put it pretty well in saying, "We can buy a movie that cost millions of dollars to produce for twenty bucks, but I have to spend seventy-five on a textbook?"

Secondly, what's up with tuition? It's gross. I think that if everyone who graduates in 2009 just waited a year to go to college, and every college in America took a big blow from this choice, tuition prices would drop. I mean, I can't reliably rant about this, because I know that my money is being spent on academic "stuff" but in my opinion, it would be nice to know where it's going...perhaps college budgets and the like should be public record or something. I don't know. Just a thought.

In other thoughts...

Did you know that Honey Bunches of Oats was almost named Battle Creek Cereal, and then Post Sugar Sparkle Flakes before coming to the final decision of Honey Bunches of Oats? Interesting...


I'm back in Boulder now, I just got my room all set back up. It's looking pretty good. I have my Christmas lights strung illegally all over the fire sprinkler pipes and my Skelemingos back on their perch. (Skelemingos are those flamingos that you see on peoples lawns, except mine are black and have their bones painted on them. It's nice.) I start classes on Monday, and I'm not sure yet if I'm ready. I think everything will be just fine though...the biggest challenge is social issues. :D

Well, I suppose that's it for tonight.
Here's a fun video for you.

Have a good night.


P.S. That's three this week Lacey.
I wouldn't break my resolution that quick.


Just because...

Hey all-

I got back to Boulder today.
I'm really tired, so this is gonna be short.

I just watched one of the dumbest movies ever produced.
It's called "She Gods Of Shark Reef." It's a terrible b-grade suspense film that was filmed in the 1960s at some point. It made my life suck a bit.

That's really all for now.

Again tomorrow.



Since Lacey had to bring it up...

Hey all,

So I'm sitting here on a beautiful leather chair in a condo in Frisco eating potato wedges and some ranch dressing. It is wonderful.

Soon, I will return to CU to resume my studies. This very statement is a subject gone berserk. I have had some struggles in determining what to do with the rest of my life...and my most recent decision is to become an English major and work on a teaching degree.

Previously I wanted to become a professional architect. These dreams have not left the picture, but I think that if I want to continue to enjoy design and the elements that surround it, I will continue on a different path and not make it my profession.

Well with that said, I don't want you to critique me on being a future teacher. This is something that I think I would succeed at. Which ultimately is the point I suppose.

Well, that's all for now. I'll be back later.




Hello all,

Well, this year so far has been full of work.
But that's okay.
I like money.

So today at work, I was cashiering, and well, this one customer in particular really sort of irritated me. She was an older woman from Texas, which is bad enough as it is, but she requested that I put her two giant sacks of tortilla chips in paper bags. This request was in no way a bad thing, but then she refused to put the chips on the belt with the rest of her food. She held them in the air and very gingerly handed them to me for me to scan one at a time. She then took them back from me directly, and put each one in there own paper bag. This was so odd to me that she was so concerned that I was going to smash her chips that she went to such great lengths to take care of them like a pair of twin infants with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, you know, that brittle bone disease?
Well, you may think that I'm being dumb, but to end this story, after treating me like the most incompetent idiot on the face of the planet, to the point that she felt she couldn't trust me with her damn chips, she placed a bag full of cans on top of the chips.
I don't think you need any further explanation.

In other news, it's been snowing quite feverishly all day, which is very welcome since our town is sort of dependant on the ski economy, but it's really not fun to drive in with other people around. I've had a few discussions with my friend Chance about this, and we've concluded that even though we all (us Coloradans that is) give Texans so much crap about their driving, it's actually better to drive with them in the snow in many cases. All of the Coloradans are way to aggressive, and it can cause issues many times.

Well, I suppose that's all for tonight.

In closing may I say that I really miss all my friends in Boulder, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon!


Here's a video for you: